Kevin is 'miffed' johnson-rocks-hercules.html

Kevin says "ego, political, I'm too tall." He always has an excuse for not getting work. Maybe he is just not wanted.


LMAO. He should get over himself. Talk about a sense of entitlement. The producers aren't obligated to give him anything. Going around bashing the Rock and producers isn't going to endear him to them for potential roles in the future. What a tool. Lol.

payback's a bitch. thanks for inviting me to do it


Completely agree. The movie is totally unrelated to the Hercules franchise of the 90's; why would they include him? It would be stupid.

As a fan of the Hercules tv show (even though never particularly of Sorbo himself), it's such a disappointment to see what a whiny old man he's turned into. His political rants about how all his freedom's being taken away, his bitchiness when he doesn't get his own way with his career--and there he is, living in a huge house, getting to go all over the world, getting well paid for a job he loves--among the most privileged people in the world. Yeah let's all shed a tear for poor Kevin when he rants against having his tax dollars providing poor people with welfare, or when he doesn't manage to bully producers into giving him a role that he wants. He so deserves of our sympathy for the hard live he's forced to live. Poor Kevin.


What did he say that was "whiney", it seemed to me he was being light-hearted, I highly doubt the "too tall" thing was meant to be serious.

Likewise, he's not "privileged", he earned his money and he's entitled to it. If you live in America you are among the top 5% of the world, plenty of people would consider you privileged, so how much of your money and possessions are you offering up?


You're probably right about Kevin Sorbo needing to get over himself.

Nonetheless: he didn't bash Dwayne Johnson, just the producers. And having seen the movie, I can tell you that movie- and acting-wise the new Hercules is about as off-beat as it could possibly be. It tells a lot when not even John Hurt, Ian AcShane and Rufus Sewell sow up and are unable to keep this lame duck from sinking.

Plot's a mess, action scenes nothing to write home about and Johnson busy delivering the worst acting job in his life. Which speaks for itself, considering the rest of thespian endeavours.




If he'd starred in something original and played an original character that was now being used... that's one thing. Let's say they decided to remake Andromeda as a feature film. I'd totally get why he might feel slightly upset if he wasn't given a brief cameo.

But Hercules/Heracles is thousands upon thousands of years old! He's been portrayed by many, many people. Was Sorbo even in the first ten people to portray Hercules on the big screen? Doubtful.

I've been doing some reading up on Kevin Sorbo just because I've been watching the series on Netflix (used to watch the show as a kid frequently but never actually binge-watched it or anything of the sort), and I gotta say, I don't think I like him very much as a person. He seems to have some issues.


"Betty's voice brought darkness to the land." - Amanda Tanen


If he'd starred in something original and played an original character that was now being used... that's one thing. Let's say they decided to remake Andromeda as a feature film. I'd totally get why he might feel slightly upset if he wasn't given a brief cameo.

But Hercules/Heracles is thousands upon thousands of years old! He's been portrayed by many, many people. Was Sorbo even in the first ten people to portray Hercules on the big screen? Doubtful.
That's true, Prydain, but do you think people are going to be talking about that movie years from now like this show? Do you think they're going to have fond memories of the movie like the show? Kevin was a wonderful Hercules and people love little cameos like that. Think of how delighted the fans were when Dirk Benedict did that cameo in the A-team movie.


Cameos are fun little nods that work in favor of the movie than to hurt it, so it'd have been fun.


Exactly. Imagine a cameo with Kevin and Michael Hurst.


Agreed. I think most fans would have appreciated the nod and it wouldn't have taken anything away from the respective film.


It would have been funny if Hurst had gotten a cameo and Sorbo hadn't. I would've loved to see Sorbo's reaction, like Shatner's hissy fit when he wasn't in the new Star Trek and Nimoy was.

Cross my heart, smack me dead, stick a lobster on my head.


Lol. That would be funny.

As for the film, it would have been a good joke if one or both had a quick cameo.

Keevan - I hate Ferengi. *THUNK*
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


I would've thought it was cool, and honestly what harm could it have done? Those of us who watched the show would like it, the newer audiences who never heard of the show wouldn't have cared one way or the other.

As it is I haven't even watched the new Hercules movie, looked like another pointless action/cgi flick, but it'd be worth a rent if I knew there was the cameo, then I'd know at least the producers were willing to have some fun with the material.


My son rented it so I watched it with him. They had an interesting idea for telling the story-that Hercules might not really be the son of Zeus, just a very strong man with great press from Iolaus. But it wasn't a very good movie-I never would have bothered with it myself, although I agree with you that if Kevin had a cameo, I would have watched for that. Kevin's portrayal of Hercules, and the friendship he and Michael Hurst brought to life as Hercules and Iolaus, are treasured memories and I rewatch the show every few years. It never disappoints.


I finally watched it, I see what you're saying about how they were trying to go in a different direction, but in the end I think it was pretty boring, run of the mill action flick. Definitely could have benefited from a Kevin cameo.


The producers were not required to give him a part. The movie is not based on his series. They did the right thing. They did not let an actor browbeat them into giving him a part. I heard the movie was not very good. He should consider it best that he was not in it.

--I predict you are desperate to have the last word--


I like the show a lot, but Sorbo always came across as a real jerk in the DVD commentaries. Which is hard to do IMO. He just seems to have a ridiculous sense of entitlement and a complete lack of self awareness.


Huh? What commentaries did you watch? He was always joking around, having fun, and complementing the other people on the show, even the people you could tell he might not have gotten along with he didn't bash them, he would just say nothing or try to phrase it in a polite way.


I have to agree with the entitlement comment. I felt a little bad for him when I read his book, but really follow him on facebook and you will get sick to death of him even when you sometimes agree with him. I saw less posts from people I actually know than this blowhard. I love Herc and I won't let his real personality take that from me. All I can say is, Kevin you have a beautiful wife whom you wouldn't have if it wasn't for Herc role, so get over yourself and find a happy place. Because those of us who will never make in one lifetime what you probably made per season seem more likely to find it without all your creature comforts.


There are people all over the world who will never make in one lifetime what you do in a year, there are people who will never have a home with electricity, refrigeration, A/C, heat, TV, Cable, Blu-Ray, internet, microwave, I think you get the point. Maybe you should get over yourself.

Likewise a person can be happy and still complain if someone does them wrong, your comment makes no sense.


My comment makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense is you acting like you know me, my life, or my finances. Do you know how much easier it is for a homeless person to get online compared to get a job? They are called public libraries with computer stations and you can use the library card you have had since childhood, whereas you need a permanent address to get a job. Or what about disabled people who use every dollar they get to pay off medical bills? My point is for you to comment that I myself am privileged when you know nothing about me is ludicrous. The difference between people commenting about an actor being privileged and a commoner, possibly because you don't know, is the difference between me and you. God, you are probably Kevin Sorbo himself and got miffed when I pointed out the truth. Now shew, go away, or bug someone else.


Lol. Buddy, I lived in Haiti for 9 months, it is amazing to me how spoiled you are and don't even know it. Let me make it a little clearer for you:

In Haiti, there is no library to go to, there are no soup kitchens, no welfare, none of that. Pay off medical bills? Ha, in Haiti you wouldn't even have a decent hospital to go to in the first place, if you're disabled in Haiti bills are the least of your worries, odds are you're just going to die.

Until you go live in a 3rd world country and see what the word poverty actually means, spare me your sob stories. I know all I need to know about you just from your statements. If you live in a 1st world country and can't find some sort of path I can't imagine anywhere else that you could.


And what does any of this have to do with Sorbo? How does trying to assassinate my personal character based on the fact that I can go to a hospital have anything to do with my comment about being happy with what you have, one that I made a year ago, but you seemed amped up to further argue by replying, according to the time stamp, immediately after I rebuffed? Get A Life. Preferably as far away from mine as possible. Ugh. Stupid trolls.


What does any of that babble have to do with this conversation? You were attacking Kevin for his "privilege", and saying he "wasn't happy" - how you seem to know his personal feelings I'm not sure.

I proceeded to point out how you are also privileged, we all are, yet you complain about things, so do I, so does he, so do we all, you are just being a hypocrite.

The time stamp? Boy, talk about someone who needs to get a life. If I am on the site for a 10min period or so and you happen reply when I am still on here, I get a notice for it, so you must have replied when I was on here, again, what does that have to do with anything?

Why don't you just admit you were wrong and quit with the desperate red herrings. BTW, don't worry, I didn't have any plans to look you up, so your creepy request was not necessary.


((Standing ovation))
