How did you get into the show?

For me, it might sound bad, but I first got into the show when I was flipping around the channels and came across the episode "Ares" from the first season. To be honest the reason it caught my attention was because Cory Everson's character was wearing next to nothing and it caught my attention (as it would any 13 year old boy) I started watching the show because of that reason, but after a couple of episodes I fell in love with the show along with Xena.


I love watching anything that deals with Greek mythology. So this was a no brainer for me.


For me, it was when the movies came out first. When I saw they were adding a regular show, I enjoyed them immensely. They were witty and action packed with a light humor to keep them fun. I liked when Xena came out afterwards and liked them both equally for a while. But when Xena took a turn and got really "out there", I phased it out. I didnt know until later that Kevin had gotten hurt physically doing the role. But I am glad how they ended it though was disappointed he ended up killing Zeus in Xena.

And yeah...I was at the age when seeing all those women wasnt too bad of an added bonus.

"Life with no freedom is a waste. Freedom with no honor is a bigger waste."


Around 1995 (I was ten years old), I was interested in Dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures. I remember, also, that I had an imaginative mind which combined bygone creatures with my environment -- especially if the environment was a large park with trees and grass. The series provided some of this. I wasn't familiar with Greek mythology but became very intrigued by it through Hercules. This is how I got into it.


I was a night owl, watching the Action Pack movies at midnight on Sunday where I lived. I liked the Greek myths and I saw Sam Raimi & Robert Tapert's names attached and I had been an Evil Dead fan. The movies were cheesy but fun. I caught onto the regular series and Xena and had fun with them the whole time.

I think the barely dressed men and women on the show were intentional, they were chasing Baywatch which was the #1 rated show worldwide prior to that, so they were following their formula of good looking people not wearing much, along with action and soap opera drama. I believe Xena was the show that finally eclipsed Baywatch in the ratings.


We watched it from the first episode in 1995, except I missed the opening and didn't actually see that bit for years after. I found out about the movies later on.


I first came across Xena on TV one day when I was 9 years old in about 1997. As a young boy then, I fell completely in love with that women, so much that I began throwing around frisbees, doing cartwheels and uttering the her warcry, sometimes during school recess lol. I was that obsessed. Then not long later, I discovered Hercules and enjoyed the crossovers. From there on out, I always looked forward to watching Hercules and Xena.


I happened to be up late one night after midnight, when 'Hercules and The Amazon Women' came on. I liked it, and found out they were airing more movies, so then I set my vcr(remember them? ) to watch the other movies. Later when the series came on it started with the second season in my country. With Xena airing right after, also the second season. I loved Xena. I really loved the way she was on a journey of personal growth trying to redeem herself for her past, and yet kept her badass edge. I found her to be a far more interesting character. I still liked Herc, and kept watching that as well. I saw the first seasons of both shows years afterwards after the series ended when I bought the dvds.



I saw the first episode in 1995 when I was 15 because, like another poster, I was into greek mythology so the show sounded cool. So the show wasn't the most accurate, I didn't care; it was amazing. I always preferred it to Xena though I liked her show too.

I kinda switched back and forth at a point because when they started the Iolaus was dead/hercules and the celtic stuff I got bored and moved onto Xena. Then Xena started getting a little too dark/racy so I moved back to Hercule, lol

It wasn't until later I actually saw the pre show movies. I love it all and am now starting my Hercules/Xena collection. I can't wait to relive all these childhood moments again. I miss this show.


I kinda switched back and forth at a point because when they started the Iolaus was dead/hercules and the celtic stuff I got bored and moved onto Xena. Then Xena started getting a little too dark/racy so I moved back to Hercule, lol

It wasn't until later I actually saw the pre show movies. I love it all and am now starting my Hercules/Xena collection. I can't wait to relive all these childhood moments again. I miss this show.

I did the exact thing! Hercules was at its best from Season 1, 2 and 3. Seasons 4, 5 and 6 had some good episodes but it got a lot cheesier though; Celtic history and modern-day cliches.
