Bootleg Copies of Anchor Bay DVD's?

Recently I've been hunting down the out-of-print Anchor Bay releases (2003-2005) and I've come across several dvd sets that seem questionable. Now, there are alternate versions of the seasons which have extra features, indicated by a gold banner across the top of the cover that reads "Exclusive Bonus Material" but aside from that they look identical. However, these ones I find questionable, appear much glossier, with a lighter picture and no anchor bay logos on the spine nor the back. Also the first "Glossy" season one is obviously much thinner. Wanted to throw this out there for anyone like me hunting these down.


those were the best buy exclusive sets released with some extra bonus features not included on the anchor bay sets.


But even the Best Buy Exclusives still had the Anchor Bay logos and otherwise looked the same.

The "Glossier/thinner" versions, I've found have no Banners (found on BB Exclusives) and no Anchor Bay logos and these are not the Current Universal Releases.

These are what I'm talkin' about:

According to this article had a complete series boxset:

On the back of the sets it's stated that Universal owns copyright, and Anchor Bay Distributed. I'm guessing, that near time of release (of the complete set) Anchor Bay dropped from Distribution which may be why their logo is gone.


They aren't bootlegs. In addition to being sold at retail back then, distributed by Anchor Bay, other season sets were also sold online by David Anderson Merchandising. The actual episode content was identical, but I believe they lacked a few of the bonus features. The packaging was also mostly the same, but the D-A sets wouldn't have had the Anchor Bay logo. If you look at the box of the box in that eBay auction you linked, you'll see the David Anderson Merchandising copyright notice underneath the Universal one.

The thread here also has more info (post #4):
