blonde cheerleader

I know Christy wasn't on the show the whole time and there was a cheeleader on the show that left right before she came one. She was a blonde cheerleader. I didn't see her in any of the episodes they aired on ABC Family. Does anyone remember her and her name? I'm just curious.


I think it was Kim
but im not sure


Her name was Amy, she was only in the second series. Her posistion in the cheerleading squad was replaced by Christy.
i thought Amy was a really funny character.


Yeh her name was Amy, i didnt fink she was tht funny..quite annoyin at times, but at times so was Christy!! lol..i mean r all Cheerleaders like tht?? lol
I wudn't no cos i live in England n we dont really have cheerleaders here.



I know it's an old post, but I just recently signed up for this site.

The character was Amy, and she was played by Paige Peterson
