Fushigi, no da!

I just have to say that this is one of the best anime series I have ever seen. The story is awesome and all of the boys are HOT. Does this story remind anyone else of "The Neverending Story"??? See ya.

"Milk balls- the balls that go 'moo.'" -Gabriel Damon; Eerie, Indiana


I agree, it's one of the very best animes EVER. And, yes, all the boys are pretty damn sexy.

Especially Nakago. :D

I guess it's similar to "The Neverending Story" in that it's a book controlled by... a character from outside of the book world. Heh. Yeah.




Oh my god!!! I have been waiting for over half a year for someone to post back!!!!!!! I have just been sitting here waiting, desperate for some feedback. Praise the lord.

...thanks dee. I love you.

Yes, Nakago is very cool.. Tasuki and Suboshi are way better. Don't argue with me.

"Milk balls- the balls that go 'moo.'" -Gabriel Damon; Eerie, Indiana


I <3 Tasuki.



excuse me but do you know what WO AI NI means?


"Wo ai ni" = "I love you" in Chinese.


lol, I'm watching the never ending story right now. Research for a parody fan fic, no da. They are very much similar...the more I watch the more I think so. Especially the part about it being a book someone is reading and that at the end whoever is reading it (or started reading it in the first place) gets a wish. Lol, and maybe Morla (the ancient turtle) and the god Genbu have something in common. Well, got more research to do, no da.

Signes: The Parody Queen

"Fight Now. Cry Later." George Cloony as Seth Gecko in "From Dusk Till Dawn."



I know what you mean.... I wish they were all real, but they belong in the book.


You want the world to be full of men who are mistaken for women or who have tatooes on their heads? That's weird.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


Have you guys read the manga of this series? I've only read the manga and want to watch the anime!!! This is so wonderful finding others who enjoy the same thing as I do. Yay!


The anime is just as good as that manga if u haven't seen the anime yet.I got the suzaku box set.I had one of the books out and the anime was almost the exact same as the book.And with all of the music they add to the anime,it makes you want to cry.


yeah! i just started renting FY from netflix! holy dang, it IS insanely close to the manga! I'm so glad!!!! i've only watched ep. 1-13. Is the suzaku box half of the anime series or what? (cuz i know there's a seiryu one too...) ooohh i KNOW the music is fantabulous! haha OMGosh when i put the first DVD in and the theme song started playing I cried because I was so excited and happy to finally be able to watch it (I've read the manga series up to book 14). I love the music!!! AND just recently got a friend addicted to Fushigi Yûgi as well! GOOOO ANIME!!! w00t! [blue] "I believe in living in the now, where ghosts of past wrongs do not divide." - Captain Nemo


wow, me too! I just returned the last disc to Netflix! It's an AMAZING series, no da. The only problem is Netflix doesn't have the continuing series (OVAs). i hope they get it soon -- i want to see them all! it's incredibly addictive! -_-;


oh i know, so addictive!! ^_^
do you have a blog?

"I believe in living in the now, where ghosts of past wrongs do not divide." - Captain Nemo


sorry this is so late i haven't been to imdb in a while. i have a LiveJournal, if that's what you're asking.....


yeah, I do, too! I love LJ it's a lot better than myspace ^__^ it has more of a community feel to it

[blue] "I believe in living in the now, where ghosts of past wrongs do not divide." - Captain Nemo


Have you guys read the manga of this series? I've only read the manga and want to watch the anime!!! This is so wonderful finding others who enjoy the same thing as I do. Yay!

"I believe in living in the now, where ghosts of past wrongs do not divide." - Captain Nemo


i lvoe reading manga, it makes me feel somewhat more intelligent however anime is just a nice release lol! is the manga good? i love all types of anime but a friend of mine keeps getting me hooked on the girly manga lol (i.e. kare first love) but i like branching out! tell me more! :)


yeah, the manga is realllly good (a couple parts made me cry because of deaths, tho', so if you're sensitive like i am...)lol
also, another series that's AWESOME is Ceres. Both Fushigi Yûgi and Ceres are by Yû Watase. Another, amusing manga is Marmalade Boy. Another good one is Imadoki. OH, and a good, but VERRRY dramatic manga is Peach Girl. It goes on to even another series so it has at least 22 books (I gave up after awhile, but I still want to know what happens!!) oh, and Sailor Moon is good despite the fact that it's REALLY cheesy lol (i don't know many people who like Sailor Moon because everyone says, "Everyone likes Sailor Moon!", so no one does.. grr lol well, there ya go for now. ^_^
PS: these are all the "girlie" ones.. ^_~
PPS: if you don't mind some perversion, Chobits is good. OH! and two good, but really sad anime movies are "Millenium Actress" and "Graveyard of the Fireflies" aka "Hotaru no haka"
PPPS: YuYu Hakusho is pretty good. I endured through the first book and found some surprisingly good stuff. Just depends on your preference :)
PPPPS: OMGosh another good one is Ranma 1/2! It's so funny! haha ok bye ^_^

[blue] "I believe in living in the now, where ghosts of past wrongs do not divide." - Captain Nemo


*runs around in a circle, giddy and elated with joy*

Yee yee yee! People like Fushigi Yugi here! WOOOOOT! I never tire of this anime...I am always re-watching the series and re-reading the manga. The story is just so addicting, dang it...and all of the warriors are...*sighs*

Personally, I harbor an attraction to Tama-kins. ^.^ Tasuki is definitely my favorite, though...so hilarious...I love his and Tamahome's fighting with one another. I'm trying to persuade a friend of mine to watch it, but he's so convinced that it's "just another shojo." Pfffft. I think the series is hilarious...and that's why I love it. lol

Oh...and the guys are friggin' hot. Hee hee...and Turquoiseczech1, I concur with you on all of your recommended anime. Inuyasha and Trigun are some classics, too. -.o


HOLY cow you rock!!! yeah, i'm waiting for 13 and 14 to arrive! are there any more after 14??? the end of 12 is so totally a cliffhanger holy cow! and it's so sad with Tamahome and the storybook character knowledge-happening thing (don't wanna ruin it for ppl who don't know yet) *pout* i'm getting impatient lol
what a poop! he should read/watch it! it's the best Shoujo ever! even my boyfriend thinks it's greatly amusing! have you read Ceres then? i'm on book 5. i'm going to start reading Maison Ikkoku soon cuz I'm curious to see a different romance by Ranma 1/2's author (Rumiko Takahashi? i think.. *checking online* yep!) (i'm currently reading Fushigi Yûgi, Marmalade Boy, Ceres, YuYu Hakusho, Chobits, and Imadoki (books 13, 6, 5, 3, 2, and 4) might be book 7 for MB.. ANYway, w00t i'm so glad you're glad that we like FY! i'm so obsessed that i joined a bloggers community about it! i love it! weep!

"I believe in living in the now, where ghosts of past wrongs do not divide." - Captain Nemo


Sadly enough, in regard to FY, I have yet to read even 12...>.< Bookstores here are either hesitant to supply it, have yet to order it, or it just sells out uber quickly. -.-;;

Every anime you've mentioned I adore. lol I love anything and everything by Yuu Watase...and Rumiko Takahashi! Have you read Alice 19th? It's a short manga, only 7 volumes in length, but it's a sweet series. -.o And you've gotta love Rumiko Takahashi...she did create Ranma and Inuyasha...lol. Inuyasha was the manga that popped my manga cherry. haha So have you watched the FY anime? God, it's so great. Tasuki is the man; he makes me laugh all the time.

And I'm going to make him watch it. He shall be exposed to the greatness of FY! Mwa ha ha ha ha! ^.^

"When someone hands you a flyer, it's like they're saying, 'Here...YOU throw this away.'"


For those who have been reading the manga, volume 14 just came out. This starts the OAV storyline, and it is drastically different than the OAV. If you're having trouble getting it, your best best is to either pre-order (Viz does have release dates on their websites), or if it's already come out, ask your local bookstore to order a copy for you. Borders and Waldenbooks will do it for you for free.

Also, there are going to be two more series premiered in the next few months from Yu Watase:

Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden - another FY series, this time focusing on the Priestess of Genbu

Absolute Boyfriend


I was just thinking to myself today: How cool would it be to start two new series that focus on the Genbu and Byakko Priestesses....granted I really liked the Oni and Eikoden OVA's...but the tv series had SO much more depth...it would be really nice to get that kind of story arch again instead of these smaller side stories


I would love to see Watase create an arc dedicated to the Byakko priestess Takiko as well! Tokaki, Subaru, and Tatara were all fantastic characters who deserve their own domination of screen time! Who knows? Maybe after Genbukaiden Watase won't get tired of her rejuvenated Fushigi Yuugi creativity still :)


From what I understand in reading her little letters to the reader columns in the manga, she is planning to continue the story with Byakko, most likely after Genbu is done.

Genbukaiden is very good. I'm eagerly awaiting Vol.2 of that and just finished Vol. 16 of the original series.

I'm hoping that sooner or later Shojo Beat will release Absolute Boyfriend. It's hilarious so far.


Chichiri is HOT!!! No da!! So is Tasuki!! Im really in to the whole Chichiri/Tasuki pairing too.

"Yes, dudes and dudettes! Major league butt-kicking is back in town!"


I agree, all the guys were smokin'. Hotohori has gorgeous eyes, and Miaka's brother Keisuke was definitely hott.


I agree too. Chichiri is annoying but he is adorable. The Twins are cute but not my type. Tamahome is ok. Nakago is hot especially in the part when he was unarmed and was about to rape Miaka. It just turned me off when he licked Tamahome..gayness. Mitsukake = not my type, too old. Hotohori and Nuriko look like girls. When Hotohori ties his hair, he is more manly. Hotohori's voice sounds hot. Tasuki is my favorite ever...no doubt! :P


i love *takes deep breath*

Tie for first place: Tasuki Chichiri and Nuriko!
2nd: Amiboshi
3rd: Nakago
4th: Suboshi
5th: Tomo
6th: Chiriko (not in a hott way...he's just kawaii!)
7th: Tatara
8th: YOUNG Tomite
9th: Here comes Hoto.

i hate tama/taka. he's not even on my list.
