Back on the Air!

Comedy Central is airing old episodes of the series Monday-Thursday @ 8:00 & 8:30 in the morning starting June 29th! Yay!


Yay yay YAY!

I've got something to say. It's better to burn out than to fade away!


When this was originally on the air, I was a lot young and I really didn't appreciate this show. After becoming a fan of Home Movies in recent years and seeing that they were showing old episodes of this on Comedy Central again, I decided to tune in and it's been worth it. Hopefully it will stay on the air.

Still got my fingers crossed, waiting for Judas Contract to get green-lit





Heh, I was randomly flipping through the channels when I saw this show. Been watching it ever since. XD I saw it before when I was younger, but now I totally get it.

"Epic boobs turn straight women into lesbians in .39 seconds."


The 8 am reruns are how I just recently found this show. I fell in love instantly. Im up to season 6 episode 10 already. I just cant stop watching it lol. But, according to Wiki its already back off the air. Under the Original Airing section it says it was taken off the air on July 22, 2009.


I used to watch this when it premiered, I was in college. So funny. I recently saw it in the morning the other day and it was like a re-discovery for me. So brilliant. I love Laura Silverman. You can buy the whole thing now. I am soooooo tempted. lousy economy.


And just as soon as it came's gone....again.


DAMMIT! What did they do, only run it through once???

Is it out on DVD yet??

I remember watching this back to back with Duckman, another sitcom I want badly on DVD but haven't gotten yet. (We just recently got The Critic on DVD, so thrilled!)

Off to do more checking!!!

blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the national debt
