Did he get a retrail?

Last I heard a few years ago Brad was trying to get a retrail because of the testimony of Cheryl's mom was hearsay. Did he ever get it?

Eva *hearts* James Marsden!


I am going to look into this and get back to you! I wanna know, too...if it were up to me, this psychopath would stay jail for the rest of his life!!


Okay, I Googled Brad Cunningham and I found an update on him. His request for a new trial was denied! Thank goodness! Here is the link to the page...just scroll down to "Dead By Sunset": http://www.annrules.com/news4.htm
If you'd like to know more about Brad, do a Google or a Yahoo search. I got 398,000 results!


I just read that he was in fact GRANTED a new trial and that his current trial outcome is unknown as well as his current incarceration status.

by solesister "get thee to a nunnery!"


As far as I know he's still in prison and even wrote a trashy book from jail.

Save the date: Decemember 31, 2014 is Cassie's big day!!!


Word is that the Court of Appeals GRANTED his request for a new trial,but the Oregon Supreme Court reversed that, and DENIED his request for a new trial. That was the end of that.

He late asked the governor for a pardon, but that was DENIED.

He continues to file appeals and such, as all lifers do. To no avail. He's now supposedly really overweight and bald. No longer the ladies man. But still arrogant and disgusting.

