
I was this in the $5.50 bin at Wal-Mart. Is it worth it?


5.50? It's WELL worth it. I bought it solely because Reba McEntire was in it, but I totally LOVE the movie. Melanie Griffith is great in it too.


OMG YES! BUY IT! This movie is so beautiful. Anjelica Huston is absolutely breathtaking in it! It is a must see!


Do they still have them at places? It has my uncle (Buffalo Bill Cody) in it, well being played, but still good enough. He is a distant Uncle of mine or cousin, I cant fully remember. But I am related to him. I want to learn everything about him and see as much about him as possible.

can u email me if you can tell me where I could get the movie or any other buffalo bill movies... [email protected]


So is Viggo Mortensen! That means you're related to him.

My dad and Clark Gable were 5th cousins (my brother's into geneology.)


Well worth it. If you don't plan on sitting through it again (it's a long, two part movie) then it's a good one to donate to the library.


Or you can get it Amazon even cheaper - but it's definitely worth it - there are so many tear-jerker and then funny moments - so many good actors -

It's worth $50.00 just to simply see Westerman, and his portray of the character 'No Ears'
