MovieChat Forums > The Buccaneers (1995) Discussion > The Real Conchita Closson was of Cuban A...

The Real Conchita Closson was of Cuban Ancestry not Brazilian

Interesting detail: the real Conchita Closson was Consuelo Iznaga, the daughter of a very wealthy and aristocratic Cuban plantation owner with property in Louisiana and Cuba, and his American wife, Ellen Clemens. I believe that Marian Fowler mentions this in her book, "In a Gilded Cage."

I guess that Edith Wharton who was Consuelo's friend, changed Conchita's nationality to slightly disguise the character's real identity.


And Lizzy Elmsworth was a mixture of Jennie Jerome and Minnie Paget (more Jennie) and Nan was inspired by Consuelo Vanderbilt. I have to go through my cope of "To Marry an English Lord" to discover who Virginia was inspired by.

