Scary man

At one point, Indy is at lunch with his friends and one of them suggests slipping Erich a mickey. Did anyone else find it slightly worrying that he was carrying mickeys around in his coat pocket?

I'd never go for a drink with that guy.


Too right, Pete, I found that strange as well. Perhaps they were for his own personal use. Perhaps he'd been hoping to slip them into his drink, drug himself then take himself home and give himself a good seeing to.

It's no more wierd than writing replies to yourself


Ah, good point, mouldyman.

One other theory, though perhaps he was planning to spike his own drink, then sit around being drugged up in the hope that someone would take pity on him and take him home for a good seeing to.

Another question though, is 'should they really be encouraging the use of date rape drugs in a 'family' movie?'


Well, thanks you Pete, I've always thought your points were good too. You make a lot of sense, you know that?

But as to the question of the 'mickey', perhaps it meant something different in the period of this film. Perhaps it was a sleeping draught of some innocuous kind.

But you're right, this film was made recently, and, given the escalating problem of date rape situations, more responibility should be shown than to recommend slipping someone a 'mickey' a name synonomous (at least that I've heard) with rohypnol.

But it's a film, and you shouldn't do a lot of things they show in films. People need to use their own sense.


I think you're taking the use of the 'mickey' at little out of context, Mouldyman. While the drug was used, it was not used in a date rape scenario.

As far as we know, Indy did not sleep with the German, we are not told this. In my personal opinion, I think Indiana Jones would have more integrity than to have sexual relations with a man he had just drugged into unconsciousness. But we simply don't know.

So while the drug itself may have undesirable uses, it is not in itself a date rape drug, it only becomes that when put to that use. If we were to take your token, alcohol could also be argued to be a date rape drug and you would have a very hard time banning all movies with alcohol in them.

But I appreciate your point. At the end of the day, this is a silly film and this is only a silly storyline. It is not 'Barney's guide to getting laid'.

And thanks for your praise, I kinda like you too. You live near me don't you? Maybe you'd want to go for a drink sometime?


Well just maybe I would, Pete,

Wait... haven't got any mickeys in your pocket have you?


No, I don't need any drugs to sleep with myself. I do just fine. There have been times when I've had too much to drink, and thought it's funny to wave my willy at people, but I don't need any drugs to get myself into bed, oh no. I'm a Pete magnet.

Talking of Barney, have you ever wondered what it would look like if Big bear in the big blue house and Barney had a baby?


Hmmm, well it's name would almost certainly start with 'b'

It would probably be the most well behaved child in the world, although slightly traumatised by its parents. Barney is a freakin dinosaur and Bear has meaningful conversations with his shadow. Course saying that, I am talking to myself at the moment, so I can hardly pass judgement.



While this thread is more than a half decade old at this point I just wanted to point out that the man who came up with the idea of slipping von Stroheim the Mickey was John Ford. It also wasn't your traditional Mickey. It was a horse tranquilizer. Ford was a director of Westerns. While it wasn't likely he was personally toting around horse tranqs, it serves as a cute way of getting Stroheim out of the way so Indy could get that picture finished.
