How come?

Stewart didnt use his powers to work against will taking him down in the job?

I mean he would have super hearing as well and would have had all the same advantages to effectively combat will. Will was a dynamo after being bit, Stewart didn't change at all.

Always found that puzzling


Nothing puzzling at all. Stuart was already a dynamo: A young back-stabbing buck driven by ambition and power. It was already through the roof from the get go. It couldn't really get higher than this. What his newly acquired powers did was to drive him over the top to become a remorseless killer. He did kill Will's wife in order to frame Will for the murder so he could take his place as chief-editor. He also killed two security guards and tried to kill Laura. So it's not true that he didn't change at all (unless he secretly was a serial killer before he was bitten but that's hell of a strech, lol). Will tried his best not to become a killer but Stuart embraced it.
