Liberal claptrap

I'm so glad to find out that we are the "most violent planet in the universe" or whatever they said.

How the hell would anybody know how violent the rest of the universe is?

And those aliens weren't exactly non-violent themselves wiping us out and all. Not exactly turning the other cheek.

but this was back in the liberal days of Clinton so I guess people took this for deep thinking


Another hilarious ass from the sector of the voting populace that the intellectual world at large dreads.

Folks like you give Republicans a bad name. And they already have a serious credibility deficit. Crawl back into your bigot bunker, polish your guns, pray to Jesus, count your cans and just wait for the cleansing race war your ilk keep hoping for. We'll try to remember to call you when it goes down.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You, Mr Neville, are the refuse of the past. You are discarded!


Soylent, you sound as bigoted as the first poster. If you want anyone to take you seriously, stop using childish stereotypes to get your point across.


Moreover, we don,t have GWB to kick around anymore, do we. It's not a republican who's punishing navy seals for doing their jobs-just because a captured terrorist said a soldior punched him. It's not a republican who insists the soldior be tried in the prisoner's country, while (I believe)the terrotist-suspect gets tried in the US.

Kyle: It's bigger than Cartman's @$$!
Eric: No it isn't you guys


What a laugh considering that the only people today who want to see race wars happen are left wing wackos who always take the cowardly course of making phony charges of "racism" against any who dare to stand up to the wacko left wing agenda (as we see with phony charges of racism against the Tea Party movement, but OTOH the number of times racial epithets have been hurled by leftists against black conservatives, or the sexual innuendo crudity leveled against conservative women, is quite extensive).

As for this movie, the initial poster is right. It is shallow left wing claptrap from the Clinton era, that in this post 9/11 period really comes off as laughable. These aliens, if they had any claims to intelligence would have understood that their actions could easily be misinterpreted, and for the equivalent of shooting down an unmanned probe, they decide to exterminate several billion people as retaliatory justice. And yet, this is somehow supposed to be OUR fault??? What a crock.


The aliens came in peace at first, if you payed attention at all the first fragmented asteroid was a hello message and the 2nd was a spaceship but we destroyed it so they responded with violence. If you were an alien and you got invited to Earth (and travel many light years) and had your ship get destroyed, how would you feel.


1. Flinging mile-wide asteroids at a planet isn't what intelligent people call "peaceful"
2. The message was fragmented because it required THREE separate speakers to be in the same room to interpret the message. Who the hell would know that in advance? It would have been smarter simply to transmit prime numbers at the planet.
3. If you were sitting in your living room and suddenly a mile-wide rock slammed into your backyard, assuming you weren't killed instantly, how would YOU feel?

This wasn't peaceful. We humans with our limited technology were smart enough to send a non-threatening message using a phonograph record, surely they could have done a better job of it.

My verdict: They intended to take over the earth, but decided to destroy us in a fit of pique when we decided to fight back. And the people of Faith were taken as lab animals.


You think Clinton was a flaming liberal?? Where do you get your information, AM radio/FAUX News?

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
