MovieChat Forums > Utomlennye solntsem (1995) Discussion > Town name lost driver was searching for

Town name lost driver was searching for

Zagorianka or Zagorienka. It seemed most people he asked directions for became quite hostile toward him when he asked. They all said there was no such place and demanded he leave immediately. Was he mis-pronouncing the real name so that it sounded more like an insult or any other inapropriate term?

I can't imagine EVERYbody he ran into just having an ill-tempered personality.

I know only a few dozen Russian words, so I couldn't figure it out.

Thanks for any input.


Hmm, I can't see anything insulting in this names.

'Za' means 'over', 'gor' is the root for word 'gora' - 'mountain' or 'hill'. So in any variaion 'Zagorianka' means 'village-over-the-hill'.

Though the root 'gor' is also part of words 'gore' - 'grief' and 'goret' - 'to burn'.
But I don't think it is really the case in that matter.
