How small is Poland?

Did anyone think it was strange that after Karol was kidnapped in the suitcase and left in a random unknown location, with no Polish money, that he managed to get back to his brothers shop without any real trouble?

I thought this was one of the bigger plot holes of the movie.


Hitch-hiked, traveled in trains without a ticket and walked. There was no need to show that all however troublesome it possibly was.

And it would have not been a plot-hole anyway since him getting home from "random unknown location" had very little to do with the plot.


Or maybe the "random unknown location" where the thieves pull him out of suitcase is just by the airport? You don't think they would ride with their loot across whole country? And the airport is in Warsaw, just like Karol's home.


I don't find it strange at all, but then I have friends who have traveled across the entire United States without vehicles or money


According to Wikipedia, it's the 70th largest in the world.


Just look into a map. It is a thing that americans are not used to do


And you, jealous third world putz, know this how?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Like lslusa said, I think he lived pretty close to the airport and the thieves probably didn't drive far to look at their loot. He may have had to hitch a ride to the next town but not much further.


The same thing occurred to me. I also found it implausible that he'd manage to get from the middle of nowhere to his brother's home.

Btw, I'm American but both of my parents are immigrants from Poland. I've been to Poland loads of times.


The middle of nowhere was close to Warsaw Airport, and his brother's home was in Warsaw. Very simple.

Listen to your enemy, for God is talking


When you speak the lingo and know the culture and the lie of the land, doors may open for you. Another plot hole filled!🐭


I also thought about it but a slightly different thing.

After they tried to mug him he gazed into the view while saying something like "Finally I'm home". I instantly thought "is Poland really that small, that you are dumped in a random place and already feel like you're home".

But after that, arriving home from there didn't really bug me.
