MovieChat Forums > True Lies (1994) Discussion > Probably The Least James Cameron-y James...

Probably The Least James Cameron-y James Cameron Film

If you were to take away Arnie and Bill Paxton, this movie barely feels like a James Cameron film. Not saying I didn't like it (it's a very entertaining movie), it just feels very different than his usual filmography. Anyone else fell the same way?


I feel the same way. I enjoy the film although it's my least favorite of Cameron's films. This movie feels like Cameron fulfilling a contract obligation than doing a passion project. But that doesn't mean he's giving a half-assed effort here.


It is different, but still a great and very entertaining film for my money.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


I dunno, I remember thinking that as a kid in the theater that it didn't feel like a JC flick. Older now, I think it's very much a JC flick. I think it's just whiplash tonally coming right after T2, and so folks were all wtf? And even then, the humor (for as much as there is in it) is still retrained and thoughtful in execution in a typical Cameron style.

But the humor in the movie is the same type of humor in all of his movies, bar none. There is more of it than in a typical JC movie but it's meant to be an action comedy. The movie was visually shot the same as he always does while also employing the same type of FX tricks. One thing Cameron did switch up in TL is employing so many side shots (which work well for dialogue and comedy slapstick), which is understandable given how Arnie and Arnold play off of each other.

Action-wise, it's a JC flick while also having that "one extra last go" that all of his movies have. In Terminator, you get one last showdown with Sarah crawling to the converyor belt just out of reach of the t800, whom we thought was dead. In T2, you had the T1000 frozen and broken into many itty bits only to come back for one more go. Aliens had the showdown between Ripley and the Queen on the Sulaco after the big nuke goes off. Avatar had the final showdown between the Navi girl and the sterotypical soldier commander. And True Lies had Arnie win the day by getting the bomb (and his marriage) back, only to have one last go at the bad guys to get his daughter back.

So, with all that in mind, it's very much (imo) a James Cameron flick.

Just my one cent since I can't afford two.


Better then the cameron Titanic or Avatar fair.


At the time it set the highest budget record, sounds like a James Cameron movie to me.


@americanadian25 James Cameron loves blue, and this movie looks pretty fυсking blue to me.


Maybe it was adapted from the original French movie version.


I think the action, which is brilliant, is very James Cameron. Especially with that fetish for hardware he has.

The lighter scenes not so much and to be honest i find Jamie Lee's striptease scene excruciatingly bad.

Much as i like the film i always wished it could have been a straight action film.

"Perhaps he's wondering why someone would SHOOT a man before throwing him out of a plane"


This is my 2nd favorite film of his, behind "The Terminator". I think the fact that it feels so different from Cameron's normal fare is the reason I like it so much. A great story, funny dialogue, one of Arnie's best film performances supported by hilarious performances by Curtis, Arnold, and Paxton.
