MovieChat Forums > True Lies (1994) Discussion > Who saw this in theaters at either 12, 1...

Who saw this in theaters at either 12, 13 or 14?

I did when i was 13 years old, it rocked the boat for me man and blew me out my chair like the director's films except for Piranha 2. I also played the SNES video game which was hard but a respectable effort from LJN who did the crappy T2 games for NES.

"Questions Questions too many questions, want shard here!"-The Dark Crystal


i went to see it with my dad the summer b4 7th grade. i remember my dad telling me to cover my eyes while jamie lee was striping lol. (i didn't)

An alcoholic is someone you don't like who drinks as much as you do.


I think I saw it at a second run theater sometime before 6th grade because I remember a teacher asking my class what our favorite movie was and my first thought was "True Lies, duh!"


it came out a few weeks before i turned 12.


Oh sweet man, more 80's/early 90's kids who saw this as teens like i did, sweet. I'm glad i'm not alone here! it was such a big great experience on the screen as i watched it with Lion King, The Crow, Forrest Gump, Mrs. Doubtfire, and many other great movies that year as a 12/13 year old boy.

"Questions Questions too many questions, want shard here!"-The Dark Crystal


I was 12. I was with my dad and stepmom. The place was packed. Everyone in the theater was laughing at all the same jokes.

Now, if one film is that effective, how can it be bad?


I mean you had these movies:

True Lies. (Saw it twice)
Forrest Gump. (Saw it three times)
The Shawshank Redemption. (Saw it on video)
The Lion King. (Saw it 2 times in theaters)
The Crow. (Saw it 2 times as well)
Pulp Fiction. (Saw it on video the next year and loved it)
Ed Wood. (Saw it in theaters)
Quiz Show. (Saw it in theaters)
The Mask. (Saw it 2 times in theaters)
Stargate. (Saw it 2 times in theaters)
Dumb and Dumber. (Saw it 2 times in theaters)
Interview with the Vampire. (Saw it with my big brother at a theater)
Leon (a.k.a. The Professional). (Saw it on video the next year)
The Santa Clause. (Saw it in theaters)
Speed. (Saw it 2 times in theaters)
Star Trek Generations.
Clear and Present Danger.

The Shadow.

Not so great:
Street Fighter. (Total dud of an adaptation of a great game)
Miracle on 34th Street.

Guilty pleasures:
Wes Craven's New Nightmare (a.k.a. A Nightmare on Elm Street 7).
City Slickers 2.

Seen any of these movies as well? i've got such a great nostalgic memory of the past.

Yes this movie was a big blockbuster and one of the theaters i went to in my city which i still live was packed too, which is a coincidence as i remembered i had my dad to take me to see this. What a movie! great acting, good sense of comedy, action galore, old school pyrotechnics and Tia Carrerea who was just sizzling as she is. This movie satisfied my action needs that year.

Cameron is an emotions master you know as much as i do as is Spielberg.

"Questions Questions too many questions, want shard here!"-The Dark Crystal


House Beautiful?


Why or how did you infer that from what I said?


Note the date: November 29, 2010...

This was around the time that we were trying to get you to explain "House Beautiful".


Luke sucks ass eh?

"*beep* the law, i want meat"-Nightbreed.


I was just shy of 13 when this came out. One of the best trips to the theater ever! Great night.

Who says violence is not the answer?


My cousin took me to see it when I was 9. It was amazing. :-D

(And damn, I didn't realize I was so young when I saw it... But yeah, must be if it came out in 1994!)


I never got to see it till it was on vhs. I was only 8 years old when this came out. I can't think of a single movie from 94 that I was allowed to see in a theater.

"Nobody knows why I became the Green Goblin!" Norman Osborn/Green Goblin ASM #40


I saw it at the theatres when I was 11, I remember not knowing what a blowjob was and asking my dad. He wouldnt tell me. lmao


lol I was 14 or 15



I was 8 yrs old and remember how fun it was. I miss the 90's movies man they are so great!!!


I remember seeing it with my dad at 10 years old, like other dozens and dozens of good movies I saw with him as a child and adolescent and adult over the years. I saw a bunch of movie with my dad the day they were getting out often, like Seven (which was 13+ the first week but got re-rated quickly as 16+), Bugsy, Unlawful Entry and about every Stallone and Schwarzenneger movie of that period. I also remember seeing Legends of The Fall with my mom, as well as Forrest Gump, Dumb and Dumber and Jurassic Park:The Lost World.

Bill Foster: I'm the bad guy?...How did that happen?
