MovieChat Forums > Trevor Discussion > Why no discussion?

Why no discussion?

This is a WONDERFUL short film! I can't believe there is no discussion so far. Brett Barsky was perfect as Trevor. This film was funny, and so sad, with a great hopeful ending. It could have easily strayed into sappiness, but was just engaging and great. Too bad Pinky had no guts!

This film inspired The Trevor Project and Trevor Helpline ( ) 866-488-7386 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, nationwide. Buy a copy of this film and support The Trevor Project!



Call the "gay hotline named after" you and ask for HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey thetrevormobile,

You have too many issues. Lighten up. It sounds like your denying the not being Gay a little too strongly.

You can move along in your little mobile and not have to cruise this listing to infect others with your dogma.


Why are you looking at Gay films if your not Gay??????????????? Hmm..Makes you think!



You can cry, make a tantrum, piss yourself, but two things will not change:

- Gays will never disappear.
- This movie will be always called Trevor.


Hey Trevor! Just checked out your website
My, aren't you a bad dude.
Let's see, born in 1989 . . .16 ? Wow.
OK, typing your name in the search box doesn't make you gay ( though I do like the idea presented by TuckerPierce ), it just means that you're pathetically narcissistic. If you're going to put your name in for a search, use the whole name. You get more interesting results. I just checked my first name, and got 709 million hits. Your name got over 29 million. Not a very convincing argument for 'just typing your name' searches. . .

“The mere attempt to examine my own confusion would consume volumes.”
-- James Agee


Yeah Trevor,

I liked the story. No thinking require. Not everyone named Trevor is Gay thank God, but for those who are and any others who thought there was something wrong with them this could stop someone from taking their life. Grow up, life too short to be so narrow minded.



Uh, no, I certaqinly didn't go to your site to find porn of any kind. I went to find out what kind of person you were; that is, if you really were a child. It was easy enough to find the site, but rather difficult to get through. Run-on sentences, etc., coupled with the ideas you're trying to spread. Yours is a sad life, and, in the end, you'll most likely end up on the wrong end of the eightball.
BTW - it's spelled with an 'o', not an 'e'

“Sex is interesting, but it's not totally important. I mean it's not even as important (physically) as excretion. A man can go seventy years without a piece of ass, but he can die in a week without a bowel movement.”
//Charles Bukowski



does anyone know where i can see or watch this?

"Oh, I wish..."


iTunes. It's only 1.99 on there.

Froot Loops are like gay Cheerios!



omg, thank you SO much!!

"Oh, I wish..."


Is this based off a real life person?

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