Profanity ruined this movie

I would've enjoyed this movie much more if there had been no profanity in it. I thought the language was useless, pointless and unnecessary to the humor that was being portrayed. Cage, Lovitz and Carvey are great actors and deserve better scripts to show off their talents.

1. This is a Christmas movie

2. This involves 3 professional comedians with loads of talant

3. Profanity shows the lack of intellect on the part of the screen writers.

B. Hussein Obama has no experience.


The profanity shows the lack of intellect on the part of the characters. That's good screenwriting. Most of the characters in this movie are not the smartest people in the world, but they sure are lovable.


This post shows a lack of intellect


Not a fan either of the overuse of profanity. But unfortunately people talk like this all day long now.

What I hate even more is people saying, "I can't", "Not so much", "Handcrafted", etc. all the time. Oy.

