Trading Places?

Does this moie seem to have a similar logic to the 1983 film Trading places with Dan Aykroyd and Eddie murphy not just beacuase of rich and poor switches but beacuse of the gambling and racial switches


From that standpoint, it does seem to have a certain similiar logic. The question then becomes whether the writers of this film borrowed their ideas from "Trading Places" or, more or less, came up with them independently.

Working against borrowing solely from "Trading Places," is that when an idea is borrowed, it is usually borrowed when the idea is fresh. Not from an idea that is eleven years old. Also the switches themselves are not unique to "Trading Places." The idea of rich and poor switching, dates back at least to Mark Twain's "The Prince and the Pauper." And the idea of black and white switfching, dates back to his "Puddin Head Wilson."

On the other hand, "Trading Places" is not an obscure film. Even if the writers of "Summertime Swtich" never saw the film, they must have been aware of the logic in "Trading Places."

Really, the only way to determine whether the writers of "Summertime Switch" were influenced by the logic in "Trading Places," is to ask the writers of "Summertime Switch," whether they were influenced by the logic in "Trading Places."


"Summertime Switch" is actually an almost complete copy of Kid N' Play's "Class Act" which was two teens (a brain & a streetwise punk) getting their files mixed up so they play the opposite roles. I haven't seen this film since it first aired 14 years ago, but I recall it being pretty identical to "Class Act".


I think of Summertime Switch and the other movies mentioned in this thread as adaptations of The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain.

While I'm sure it had its influences from Trading Places I believe it was indeed influenced mostly (well initially) by Class Act seeing as it was released a couple years after it and taking into account the teen/camp/school-like setting, the "urban" stuff and the music.

Wow, now you're making me wonder what if it was actually more like a mini Class Act. Well the racial aspect wouldn't be there, at least not from the same perspective, but I think the similarities would be easier for people to see.

Rest in Peace Russell Means...your legacy and impact will live on.
