This movie

this movie wishes it had the writng and originality of Dazed and Confused. Dand C was written by one the most creative minds of our time. Richard Linklater is a genius. this wannabe DanC will never gain the pop cultre status if D and C


Moms aren't allowed to post are they?




Even stupider is attacking folks for defending eleven year old movies. At least the poster wasn't getting personal, and had something to say about the movie, which I thought was hilarious (and, yes, much better than Dazed and Confused).



This DVD works on some DVD players. If you have an APEX you can foget about it. I have a Sanyo and it works just fine.


ALCOHOL ALCOHOL ALCOHOL - That was great when all the dudes took the Oxford beer.... This was a great classic ... The Stoned Age = Trying to find a party and chics..... Dazed and Confused = Trying to find a party and buy some Aerosmith Tickets for the summer....Case Closed


Dazed and confused is so over rated. Richard Linklater, a genius? c'mon man!
Ben Affleck probably wrote half the film anyway!
