
when the two guys meet with the three fat ugly chicks, the chicks ask if they want to submarine. What does that mean.



I didn't know there was a directors commentary.


In the commentary the director explains that playing "submarine" was something that was said to him / his friends in a hot tub with some chicks (buffalo?) many years ago. He goes on to say that he has no idea what it means either. My guess, considering it was said in the hot tub, is that it has something to do with going under the water and fooling around. You can use your imagination from here. Werd.


"When spoken about or referred to by Brazilian men and women it's the equivalent of talking about going to "make-out" point, to watch the "submarine-races".

"America entered the war with meager maritime defenses on the East Coast. Gasoline and oil shortages grew and vital war supplies for Europe were nearly choked off as enemy subs operated with impunity—often within sight of the beach. Tankers and freighters were going to the bottom in record numbers. While the American military frantically geared up to meet the threat, ships were torpedoed in the mouth of the Connecticut River and in the Saint Lawrence. One surfaced sub actually motored right into outer New York harbor on January 15, navigating by reference to a New York City tourist map and visible landmarks like the Ferris wheel at Coney Island. Subs could blast their prey at night as targets became silhouetted against still brightly lit coastal resorts. Usually unopposed, they could attack on the surface using deck guns to conserve torpedoes. **Even years later, New Jersey teens termed their secluded romantic interludes on the beach, "Watching The Submarine Races."**

"Submarine Races
A place at the beach or PV, where you would park facing the ocean and wait for the Submarines to start racing. Of course they wouldn't show up, but while you were waiting, you'd make out....for hours until the insides of your lips were raw."

Hope this helps guys.

"....Not Only Was It Authentic Frontier Jibberish..."


What do submarines do best? They go down.



I don't want to know, man.


I don't know about you but the fat chick on the left wasn't all that bad.


LMAO! Funny you say this, because every single time I used to watch this film with my best friend....he would make the exact same observation! And I have to agree...she was definitely a couple notches above the other 2 chicks.
