Data finds his cat

Go ahead and admit it. How many of you were brought to tears when Data finds his cat still alive in the ship wreck? I know I was.


No. I was still crying over Kirk's useless death. A cat is worthless if it's not catching mice. Spot was almost as worthless as Deanna Troi. Tears for that pretentious ball of fur? Never.

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


Krik was old he was gonna die anyways, about time he died. The cat though is a pet which is what made the moment so special since TNG is the relevant star trek and the old one is just outdated sadly.

START THE REVOLUTION! SHRED THE GOVERNMENT! My favorite movie is V for Vendetta.


Dude! Seriously? A cat? Your "guy" card has just been revoked.

"Oh no...they sent the wrong Spock!"


I shed more tears over that cat-waitress getting injured in "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier".

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


Its not about the cat damn it. It's about losing something you love and then being reunited. BTW. I didn't know I was required to have a "guy card"


I'm with Patrick. Maybe not moved to tears, but it was a touching scene.

I'm tired.
I hope it won't be much longer.


Hmm...touching? What about all the crew members and family that died in the crash?

Its like in ID4, when millions of people are blown away but the dog survives, and I'm supposed to find it heartwarming. Good thing that tunnel had a broom closet with an airtight door.

Kill the cat and keep Kirk alive, dammit!

"Oh no...they sent the wrong Spock!"


...or give the cat command

I'm tired.
I hope it won't be much longer.


The last time I saw a cat in command was with Ken Berry and Sandy Duncan- and that was not a pretty sight. It was like Witch Mountain all over again.

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


So you don't think Mress is on a command track?

I'm tired.
I hope it won't be much longer.


I love M'ress
She's hot in a dress
And under duress
I must confess
She handles the stress
And I would guess
A ship in distress
Could fare far less

I don;t think M'ress could do
What the job of a captain demands
If for no other reason
No cat alive can obey commands.

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


Does he do sex?
With that extra hand,
Might could please even Rand.
Alas poor Yorick,
I've gone sophomoric.
Were he transferred to Security,
Might lend a hand, or two, or three.

"Oh no...they sent the wrong Spock!"


Saturday Night Live had "Toonces the cat that could drive" but he kept driving off of a cliff



"Oh no...they sent the wrong Spock!"


I cryed a bit, because i like very much cats!

"...or give the cat command "



I kept thinking Spot would have made a great companion to Frankenstein from Red Dwarf, even though both are female.


I just watched that scene, and you're right, it's pretty powerful. Still, I think it might have been a little better if Data were still uncertain about keeping his emotions chip right up until he found Spot. I guess it still works pretty well though, since Data had just stated that he had categorized his emotions and was completely in control of them.

Endeavor to persevere.


I like it because the whole movie Data struggles with his emotions - mirroring Picard and even Kirk and Dr. Soran......the ending is a nice moment that shows the good side of emotions and why they might be worth having.


That scene is one of my two favorite parts of this movie. I loved that part of the film, it was cute and touching. Ignore the people who are talking smack here and saying negative things. They are just a bunch of tools that are missing the point of this scene. Someone above mentioned something like "what about all the people and families that died"... Spot is the closest thing Data has to a family. He is still trying to learn about how human emotions work and doesn't understand why he is happy and crying at the same time (which truly is a rare emotion for most people). The scene reminds me of a line Dolly Parton has in Steel Magnolias, she says "Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion".


George Lassos the Moon
¸.•´¸.•´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´


[deleted]'s like the scene in Independence Day where the aliens attack and millions of people die but its okay because the dog lives.'s a dog.

Bob the Builder and Hadji walk into a bar...
