MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Generations (1994) Discussion > Here's the one thing that bugged me abou...

Here's the one thing that bugged me about this movie

They used the same actress to play Picard's wife in the Nexus as they had playing a crewmember in the "Next Generation" series. (Deanna was giving her therapy while she [Deanna] had temporarily lost her empathetic abilities.) As soon as I recognized her I thought, wouldn't Picard say "hey, weren't you a part of my crew back in the day??" Should have signaled him right off the bat that this was a completely fabricated scenario.

Darn it, I have a picture of the character with Deanna that I just came across and would like to include here, but apparently we can't attach photos.


I guess that would depend on what he thought of that crewmember? Picard, you old dog. Kirk was a puzzler, tho. IMO they should have wrote Ruth, Edith, or even Carol for continuity's sake.


Yeah, you kinda wondered where that woman (Antonia, was it?) came from in his life since he actually wanted to marry her, but then he was always supposed to be a ladies' man so I guess we shouldn't have been surprised. I tried to imagine Picard courting that crewmember, then not being surprised she turned out to be his wife in his ultimate fantasy ... hmm, maybe.


Star Trek is famous for reusing the same actor in different roles.

Bob the Builder and Hadji walk into a bar...


True, but it's usually a bad guy with plenty of make-up; this actress was immediately recognizable to me and since I'd seen that Next Gen episode so many times it bugged me. You'd sorta think they'd wanna give some other actress a chance in a movie, right? But I suppose it's cheaper/easier to re-use people.


A while back on TOS board, we parodied the theme from the Patty Duke show for every actor who's played multiple characters in Star Trek. We had quite a few parodies.

Diana Muldaur: Ann Mulhall, Miranda Jones, Dr. Pulaski
Morgan Woodward: Dr. Van Gelder, Capt. Ron Tracy
Stewart Moss: Joe Tormolen, Hanar

the list goes on pretty far.

17 Fake CJs Ignored (and counting)


Darn it, why can't we "like" posts here yet?? I like your post, bjlevine. Oh, don't forget the Klingon bad guy who repeated a lot, plus of course Tony Todd who played quite a few characters (including Worf's brother plus the grown-up version of Capt. Sisko's son on "Deep Space Nine" in a very touching episode).


Tuvak was also a thief when the enterprise was being scrubbed and worfs baby's mother was also the female Q.


The Tuvok actor is ALSO in this film ("Generations"), at the beginning, on the bridge of the new ENTERPRISE.

My favorite recurring character was the "bad guy" on "Deep Space Nine" ... darn, can't think of his catchy name now. Great actor.


On Voyager the holographic ALIEN DICTOR who killed its crew for leaving fingerprints on the console, was also a human who help Archer and tapal in 2000 a.d. earth. ( when they get fast food drive threw and tapal flings hamburger out the window) the actors name was osrik or something.
