MovieChat Forums > Speed (1994) Discussion > 13 Things I learnt from Speed

13 Things I learnt from Speed

1. When a bomber has apparently blown himself up, Cops won't bother looking for body parts...or even trying to figure who the guy was (which might have come in handy later)

2. Payne took 2 years to set up the elevator job...but only a month to rig 2 city buses, his own house and create a hole under a trashcan

3. LA bus drivers will never hear you when you shout THERE'S A BOMB ON THE BUS several times. But hear you perfectly when you say..Stay above 50

4. LA buses are so strong, they can crash into countless automobiles without sustaining any damage.

5. Harry can't seem to decide whether its his right or left leg which is injured.

6. Payne is smart enough to leave his watch under the bus so cops will find his rigged house...but dumb enough to makes comments hinting that he can see the bus drivers sweater, which in turns blows the whole plan (pun intended)

7. LA buses can not only jump gaps...but sustain almost no damage in doing so

8. Unfinished bridges in LA still cast whole shadows

9. Payne can see the whole bus...but fails to notice little things, like Jack crawling up from underneath.

10. When so many cops are waiting for the bomber, only one will have the good sense to think that the bomber is underground...and bother doing anything about it

11. When you are on a train thats out of control...speeding it up is apparently the best course of action?

12. Joe morton should never grow a moustache

13. Keanu reeves is smarter than Sandra bullock, Joe morton and Glenn plummer. Cause he avoided the sequel.


#13 is definitely true! šŸšŒ


14. When the transportation dept falls behind on building the freeway, everybody gets fired
15. When the bomber is using CCTV, his can zoom through the driver and read Univ. of Arizona on her shirt
16. That same bomber won't bother thinking anything is amiss when u exit through the door, and reenter through the floor panels
17. Jack has big round hairy cahones....
18. Jack needed more challenges
19. Annie can't drive tomorrow
20. Jack is taller than the bomber
21. Jack and cart can squeeze under 8 inches between the bus and the ground
22. Jack gets off the bus to jerk off


23. Apparently Annie likes to know everyone she travels with by name, including the driver.
24. Bob the busdriver knows Jack the cop and they both know Vinnie the coffee guy.

ī€Æ ī²


25. If you're being dragged under a speeding bus, onlookers will say you're ok.
26. Payne has a contingency plan for just about everything, we'll never know if he had one for getting off an out-of-control train.
27. A murdered train driver's body will just vanish like Yoda's.


28. If you're on a runaway bus in LA, head to LAX.
29. Relationships started under stressful conditions are problematic.
30. The basement will stop an elevator from falling.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


31. Bus drivers are literate


32. Nobody can't track your terrorist UHF signal, but you can play a video loop from a TV truck


29a. ... so they will have to base it on sex...


Warning: Tharrrr be spoilers heeereā€¦

33. Once Harry gets out of the office, his leg feels a lot better. He can even climb through windows.
34. Experienced Bomb Disposal Techā€™s just open a window and ease in to a house of a known mad bomber, without checking for boobie-traps.
35. You have to be standing right in front of a motion detector for it to register youā€¦ and then you still have about 5 seconds.
36. Poor Cameron from _Ferris Buellerā€™s Day Off_ (Alan Ruck) comes in to LA as a tourist and ends up right back at the airportā€¦ And then nearly falls transferring to the airport bus.
37. When there is a ā€œgapā€ in an unfinished highway, there is a little ā€œkicker rampā€ at the end to throw the front end of a speeding vehicle in to the air.
38. Anne canā€™t tie a good knotā€¦ But the rope will let loose at just the right moment to send the bus straight through a hanger to hit a decommissioned plane being towed.
39. The floor maintenance panel of a bus makes for a good escape skidā€¦ especially when it has been fitted with runners on all four corners.
40. After a traumatic experience (having to drive the buss and the harrowing escape) Paramedics always drive their patients to the next scene of a crime, rather than to a hospitalā€¦!
41. Paramedics who have a patient on-board always allow them to wonder around the outside of the ambulance. And if/when they disappear, the Paramedics donā€™t bother looking or notifying anyone.
42. Most things Jack gets on that day are unfinished; The highway and the subway.
43. Jack cannot a man from a woman from the back, even when sheā€™s strapped with C-4.
44. Payne seems to carry an explosive vest with himā€¦ just in case he needs to take a hostage.
45. Subway construction men can outrun a speeding subway car, for at least a short distance.
46. When a subway car comes crashing through a street Los Angelinos pull out their cameras and take pictures, rather than call 9-1-1 or go for help. (Actually, that one may be true!)

Never settle with words what you can accomplish with a flamethrower.
And nearly any problem can be solved with the proper application of high explosives.



47. Interactive tv is the wave of the future.
48. If you ask for a work order, you get stabbed in the head.
49. Annie should've been a pilot.
50. Payne earned a medal, and a pink slip, and a sorry about your hand.
