The Bus Scene

That bus scene has got to be the most unnecessary not relating to the overall plot scene in all of cinema history.

Props, as this movie rules.


...but only the awesomeness that is the bus scene.


I use to think that to until I realized it was set up to show Stallone's character hates knives. And that was what made him help her after roberts put the knife in his face.


Also to show the tougness of the chatrecter. altough i supose we know he is tough anyway- he is sly duh



I THOUGHT Ray was after Tomas was simply because he was falling in love with Adrian Hasting/May Monro's voice... and looks.

I don't intend to be offensive, but I have to defend my opinions.


I interpreted the bus scene as Ray's chivalrous side showing because he was trying not to attract attention by using the bus system anyway.

I've always wanted to be a June Bride...


He doesn't wanna attract attention to himself on a bus so he kicks a guy out a bus window and punches some punks in the face 10 times? Very smooth....


I definitely agree with Lord-Adversary-Forever's analysis.Remember that Ray Quick (Stallone) was very reluctant to accept Mae Munro's (Stone) offer to kill the three people that killed her parents.It think when Tomas Leon (Roberts) threatened Ray with a knife was finally the last straw that Ray had against these Mafia people.In fact,Ray did not even accept the job after Mae disguised herself as Adrian Hastings to be able to meet Tomas at a party to get in touch with these people.

BTW,Eric Roberts was very funny in this scene when he put a knife on Stallone's face. Especially when he said "Maybe you like me" with a kiss


Pherhaps, but for me it was the highlight of this otherwise sub-standard, lousy film!

"cook the man some eggs!"


"That bus scene has got to be the most unnecessary not relating to the overall plot scene in all of cinema history"

Agree with you only that i would say one the most unnecessary not relating to the overall plot scene.


I love that scene.


Saw it again on TV last night, that bus scene just stands out for some reason :-)

Maybe the reason is in fact that in a lot of ways it is completely unnecessary although it does show some things about the character Sly is playing.

But I think most of it has to do with how this scene is just a showcase of dumb violence just to create a cool action scene and I loved it because - i know very cliché - they don't make much movies like this anymore. I mean think about it. Sly teaches the punks - who seem to be the kind of crowd that usually harasses people and violates property - a lesson by beating them up in front of a bunch of people and throwing one of them through a window! Pure genius :-)

So what have we learned from The Specialist: being violent on a bus is okay as long as you have the courtesy to give up your seat to a lady.


It was a great action scene but comically overdone.




I always felt that it was a holdover from the days when Steven Seagal was in line to star. In adapting the flick for him, it stands that Warner's would have insisted on a martial arts based fight scene for him (they pressured him into reshoots on On Deadly Ground for a lack of hand-to-hand combat).

I figured that after Seagal walked, Stallone agreed to do the script, and it's not *that* out of place for him to have a fight scene, and the knife issue, as discussed. But it would have been tailored to Sly's style. In Seagal's hands (where extraneous fight scene are de rigeur, stumbling into liquor store robberies, etc...) we would have probably been treated to a few nifty arm-snaps and the dude being launched thru the bus window via an indecipherable aikido throw instead.

It's certainly no less preposterous than the rest of the flick.. it's great *beep* fun!. I do wish I could could enter the bizarre alternate universe that contains Fincher's version tho...


Oh god no, I agree with stallone.
There are times when I would just love to treat *beep* like that!

They are so stupid scum bags and the only thing they understand is people kicking the *beep* out of them. I would have enjoyed being stallone.


Never insult The Specialist.


Its one of Slys best one sided fights anyway, much like the "First blood" breakout scene. If that happened though in real life, Sly would've been locked up.


I think the scene does 3 things:

1. As mentioned before it shows that he hates knives. This comes around when someone else uses a knife on him and Stallone's character has to use restraint.

2. It shows the character is a badass fighter as well as able to blow stuff up.

3. It shows how much of a boy scout he is by not only offer the seat to the woman but getting rid of the garbage that was a threat to her and the other people on the bus.

This gives us a good look at who we are going to be rooting for during the whole movie.

Come visit my


I love the look on Stallone's face after he's through beating up all those punks on the bus. He has it on his face right after he kicks the guy through the glass.
