MovieChat Forums > The Specialist (1994) Discussion > Why did the Leons kill May Munro's famil...

Why did the Leons kill May Munro's family?

One thing that always puzzled me about this film is the motive behind the Leons assassinating the Munros. Were they involved in the mafia too? Also, I assume May must've been independently wealthy to be able to afford staying at the Fountainebleau, her waterfront home, and the designer mourning dress she was wearing.


There's many possibilities on why the Munros were killed.

1. Dad could've been skimming from them.
2. Leon wanted the Dad to do something crooked. The father refused and tried to testify against the Leons and they were executed after being sold out possibly by someone crooked on the force since the Leons had connections to the local police.

It could've been anything. As far as May owning that home, designer clothes and more, odds are Trent was providing that for her as part of her cover. Remember, he created the alias 'Adrian Hastings' for May's benefit for revenge and at the same time draw out Ray for Ned in order to score points with mob boss Joe.
