Can anyone tell me ..?!

I wanna know if this movie includes any lesbian or hot scenes ?! & How long it lasted ?


Why dnt you check out It gives you the ratings and what kind of activity whether it be sexual or violent is included in a film.

I'm attracted to the most unsuitable guys ^_^


Unfortunately, doesn't list films like this.

"Visits? That would indicate visitors." -- Plan 9 From Outer Space


It contains non-graphic sex scenes. Sensitivley done and not gratuitous. If you are just looking to perv you will be dissapointed...


Yeah not a drop of nudity...and i got this movie from a porn mag!Its really dark and if you still want to see it beware!!!!


If you watch this movie and manage to get turned on, you should really seek some help. Seriously.


zaud, you have no imagination, do you?

this stuff is as hot as it gets. SERIOUSLY.



There is no actual hardcore porn with "incest" themes really. There are porns that "suggest" it or have the step father and step daughter gettin' it on , or some in-laws..but I have never found any actual hardcore porn dealing with real incest.

I just wanted to toss that out there. Make the comments and tell me to get therapy as you wish.

Saint: A dead sinner, revised and edited.



Yeah I plan too. I am going to try and rent them though before I buy them, to make sure I enjoy them first. Are the actors in it really releted? Or just actors?

Anyway, I saw this movie a few days and I LOVE IT. It actually had a compellling storyline that kept me interested. I loved the dark and dysphoric ending... she ripped Madame's Dandzard's eyeball completely out!!!!

Anyway, although the sex scenes didn't go into too much detail , they were still pretty hot and bothersome I thought.

Lea was pretty attractive from my point of view. Christin was as well, but I thought Lea was the hottest.

It compels me mostly that it was a true story.

Saint: A dead sinner, revised and edited.



I believe it is truly shocking that people can actually find such a disturbing story sexually stimulating. I am no prude, or moralist, do what you want with your body but if there were graphic sex scenes (or a little more extended than the ones in the film) I would fast forward them and be utterly sick.
Imagining getting on with a close relative of mine grosses me out.
I wonder how can someone be interested in incest pornography?
Such a spiritual bond should not be profaned nor lead to perversion, methinks. It's almost the same as a father who abuses his daughter/son or a son who has sexual relations with his mother/father.

This film is really well done and important, but it does not condone incest.

P.s. I am not referring to anyone in particular in this topic, just stating my opinion, ok?

I think I must have one of those faces you can't help believing.



Incest is a disorder, not a preference.
And please spare me the abuse, I didn't attack anyone, merely stated my view on the subject, ok?

I think I must have one of those faces you can't help believing.



Leave me alone.
I'm not into trolling.

I think I must have one of those faces you can't help believing.



I am sick and I am dull and I am plain...
But thank Heavens not the incestuous kind, ha ha.

I think I must have one of those faces you can't help believing.




I think I must have one of those faces you can't help believing.


nothin spells lovin like marryin your cousin ;P




I believe 'thewlwl' was being sarcastic with that statement, clubxchild07. I think your perspective on morals is entirely twisted. Good and bad aren't opinions. They are based on the standards of natural law that is engrained in every human, a.k.a. a conscience. Everybody has one, whether or not you choose to listen to it is your problem. Of course, there are some people who have mental disorders which sometimes affects their ability to make good and bad choices.

Incest is a psychological disorder and is considered taboo for a reason. When a parent has sex with their child, they are severly abusing their authority and their duties to protect the child. The parent is using the child to fulfill whatever need they may have by taking advantage of the child's vulnerability; it is rape. So, there is no way to argue that that is not wrong. As for similarly aged siblings, they might turn to each other in replacement for a neglectful or missing parent. Even though the siblings may be in consent the act still has damaging psychological effects, because it is a perversion of their familial relationship.

I don't know what your deal is with incest, clubxchild07, whether it's a fetish or not. But I don't think there's anyway you can argue that incest is 'okay.'


I saw this film and was aroused from a lesbian point of view, so I thought, but after reading your tactful explanation of incest, I admit that what aroused me was a psychological disorder. I have a missing parent and a sister who did have a relationship with our deceased father. I have suppressed many, many emotions and feelings and now I realize that I need to address them. Your words hit home. Thanks.


this reminds me of a sicko horny dude i mistakenly chatted with. he asked me whether my sister and I kissed and touched each other.

*MY* opinion about the incest is that We, human (Majority of us) choose not to do it and that differentiates us from other animals.

But obscenity & immorality often makes better sex.



I don't think anyone who watches this movie does it simply because of incestuous action. Or at least I hope not. When you see it for what it is (being faked by straight, unrelated actresses) it's not disturbing at all. Without the backstory it's just another lesbian scene.

Furthermore, I actually found their relationship less disturbing than the father/daughter one in The Quiet because in this film they are consenting equals.


Hey pervy, if you really want to see the Papin sisters get it on, see the french version of this movie ("Murderous Maids"), it includes many quite explicit sex scenes between the sisters and quite a bit of nudity.
