
Sergeant Obadiah Hakeswill is Sharpe's worst enemy in the books. Here, in the episodes, I thought he was incredibly acted by Pete Postlethwaite. Just seems to be a little too easily pushed around at some points. He's much more villainous and cunning in the books. But that doesnt matter too much; Hakeswill is someone you just despise (He just cant be killed!.


Until he was killed.....


"Just seems to be a little too easily pushed around at some points. "

But only by officers - just as in the books, which make it clear that whatever an officer says is law to Hakeswill - until he's in a position to obtain some revenge.



But in the book, Hakeswill is really daring when facing Sharpe, hinting at how much they hate each other. He does not think Sharpe is a proper officer.

Besides, in the book he's got more of a sneering character rather than an expressionless one.



Hakeswill in both books and films is the character you love to hate (and are more than a little bit afraid of) Pete Postlethwaite does a brilliant job on him.

Bean Girl: Emma Rald Eyes



Well, Sharpe and Harper knock him about a bit, just as they do in the books. Hakeswill is a bully, picking on those weaker than him, not a hardman.


He's also utterly mental as evidenced by him keeping Colonel Windham's wife's picture in his shako and talking to it.
