Two questions

1. The mom killed the couple that ate chicken at their house. Scotty was not their son, right?
2. The husband was listening to a tape that recorded the voice of a guy named Ted Bundy (?). Who's that guy? What does he have anyting to do with the mom?


Scotty was their son.

Ted Bundy is probably one of the most famous Serial Killers there ever was... That has a lot todo with the mom and movie.

Here check him out:


Scotty was NOT their son. That's why when the dad, misty, and chip go to his house they don't see beverly. if he had been their son the cops would have been able to catch her.

"Michael? Were you out on the boat today kissing your brain?"







Scotty wasnt their son Bev only killed them because she was going threw there backyard and she saw them eating a bird.



Scotty Barnhill was NOT the son of Ralph and Betty Sterner.

Ooo, baby, your domestic gross is SO BIG. That's how I know how GOOD you are!



Yall are so stupid. He wasn't their son. At church you can see him with his parents.

Some guady moth or butterfly, still alive, was safely pinned to the wall.


1. No he wasn't, they were patients of her husband and she killed them due to their lack of dental hygene
2. Techniquley it was Ted Bundy a very well known serial killer, but since serial killers rarely appear in movies it was actually played by the director John Waters

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