My Favorite Movie Ever

It's pretty unfortunate that this board doesn't have a lot of threads, considering what a great film it is.

Here are some of the things that I love about this movie:

-- rewatchability: I've seen it way too many times and still love it.
-- Stephane Rideau: wow, so hot
-- the rest of the cast: everyone is completely believable
-- the last scene: reminds me of lazy summer afternoons in the country side, perfect!
-- slow pace: so everything can be well-developed
-- thoughtful teenagers: I want these people as my friends.
-- realistic struggle with sexuality: you just have to feel for Francois
-- the title: either Les Roseaux Sauvages or Wild Reeds sounds very poetic

Love is a Force of Nature


Very good points; very overlooked, great film!


If you enjoyed Rideau and Bouchez in this movie, you'll enjoy seeing them together in "At Full Speed," which Gael Morel (François) directed.


Saw it recently, and enjoyed it, but "At High Speed" doesn't hold a candle to "Wild Reeds"! Anyway, thanks for the suggestion. Maybe you'd enjoy the French film "Bad Company", which is available on DVD in the U.S., though hard to find.



Can you tell me where this is in the dictionary?
