MovieChat Forums > The Puppet Masters (1994) Discussion > Great book ruined by a terrible director...

Great book ruined by a terrible director.

Heinlein's original novel is a well paced and quite innovative horror/thriller, and the fact that Stuart Orme, the terrible director who shot this film, ruined it really pisses me off.

There are a few good scenes that got kept, such as the beginning with the agents discovering the alien at the TV station and Sam's interrogation by his father. Sutherland nails the 'Old Man' part, and if everyone else had been as good as he was, I'd be ecstatic. No such luck.

I don't understand why this terrible British TV director was allowed anywhere NEAR a classic like Heinlein.


I agree. I have not read the book but this film is awful. The aliens looks like kippers and are very badly animated. I laughed in excess when the kipper attached itself to the air conditioning fan and it was spinning round and round. Very funny but very unintentional. Yep. Avoid this film ... unless you like kippers.


Well, in the original book the aliens evolved only their neural control, and had basically no physical defenses -- they were like small blobs, but were described as having the fear-inducing quality of snakes.

And I almost wrote that it doesnt look like a kipper, as I thought kippers were more like sardines, but a google search shows that your poetic comparison is dead-on. Congratulations. I hope you're happy with yourself.


Haha! Yep. I am happy with my comparison :). The scary thing is... there was another film before this one featuring kippers called "parasite" starring Demi Moore in one of her earliest roles. Beats me why they make these films but there you go.


As an American, I've only heard of kippers but never actually seen or smoked a kipper for breakfast. Thus my confusion. Try reading the book, it's a great and easy read with some exciting drama and action. Robert Heinlein is the author.


All I want to know is why directors hate Roboert Heinlein so much?
At least when they did Starship Troopers the movie was good - even if it had practically nothing to do with the book.
This thing was simply garbage. I'm wondering when one of them is going to get the bright idea to mangle "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress".


This is one funny post!! movie title is now "The Kipper Masters"


i remember reading somewhere that there were negotiations over the movie rights for "the moon is a harsh mistress" and "citicen of the universe"
but i can't remember where or what came out of it

anyone can give me a hint?


i thought it was a best addaeption of one of RAH's books ever done. not that that is saying much. does anybody remeber the old outer limits, i think they did a couple of shows on this concept, but i'm not sure.

when in doubt empty your weapon in the direction of your doubt's

