MovieChat Forums > The Puppet Masters (1994) Discussion > Jeez, lighten up people....

Jeez, lighten up people....

This movie is underrated. It's a decent B movie, Saturday afternoon matinee-type, and enjoyable at that level.
Sure, it could've been better, and the script could've followed the novel more closely, and I could be a real blond, and the world could be at peace, blah, blah, blah.
And what's with picking on Eric Thal? He did a great job - some of his scenes looked like hard work. Much better than Donald Sutherland, the "veteran", whose facial expression hardly changed throughout the entire film.


I agree. Take it for what it is and you'll enjoy a suspenseful and entertaining film.

I don't know how I missed this movie - I'm a real fan of all sci fi films....I think the name must have put me off. It sounds like a hokey horror title.


I second that. I saw this in the movies when it came out, and thought it had some good scenes and I was overall satisfied with paying to see it. It helps if you are a fan of the old sci-fi movies and books.

"I'd buy that for a dollar!!"


But... You COULD be a real blond and the world COULD be at peace...

ILOVEtrading films!I've got a HUGE..uh..collection!Please ask!

