dying to see it

I really wish blockbuster carried it, because it sounds amazing. If I ever see it for sale, is it worth buying?


I love it and I've seen it many times



I found it at Goodwill on VHS and bought...but now I wish I hadn't. Trust me if you are dying to see this movie you will be very upset when you finally do...unless you are into movies where the director has to speed up the film to make it look like cars are going really fast or people are rollerskating.


i loved it. 9/10


what the damn hell, who the hell are you sleepcheap, you dont know jack about badass movies then if u thought this movie sucked, you prolly like uwe bowl movies or waiting for the new remake "death race" who Paul W.S. anderson made. you suck but this movie totally didnt




Uwe Boll makes better films than this...and if he was given a decent budget, I think he'd do pretty well. I respect the stuff he makes for the small budget. Anyone is welcome to give me their address, i'll send the movie to you for free...since you all LOVED it so much. I like Rodriguez, don't get me wrong, but this is made for television crap. Hey, I like movies that are considered bad because they are at least fun to watch and I know the people involved were actually trying...this movie is a damn shame.

I has a awethome Darc Night kuote.


Again, Rodriguez likes to make joke movies. I got to meet Rodriguez at a screening of this and it was very decent. I also met John Hawkes
