So where the heck was Gilbert?

They really blew it with this movie when they didn't include Gilbert. He was one of my favorite nerds, I liked him better than Louis. I don't see why they have to tone down his role. In the first movie, Gilbert plays a big role. In part 2 he is home with a broken leg and plays only a minor role, in part 3 he only makes his appearance at the very end of the movie and in part 4 he is not even there. What the heck! Why is Louis taking the spotlight now? I would rather see Gilbert in Louis's place. When I saw Judy come off the bus I thought for sure Gilbert would be there, but no, Judy is with Stan and there is no Gilbert. The writer of this movie, if you ask me, doesn't have the brains to be a nerd because he didn't have Gilbert in this movie.


Yeah, but it wasn't even Anthony Edwards as Gilbert in part 3. He was too busy shooting ER, which I assume is one reason why he wasn't in this one. Also the fact that the third one just flat out sucked, he probably didn't want to reprise his role. Not sure why his role was so small in part 2 though, other than maybe he thought after Top Gun, he was too big for the role.



Just a rumor but I remember someone saying that Anthony Edwards didn't like to mention he was ever in the ROTN movie. He must've had a contract that made him appear in two. So for the sequel they made a small for him.

"We've witnessed your human capacity for war. It would absolutely bring more harm than good."


PoinDexter wasn't in this movie either, hmmmm.
