A theatrical movie

This movie was rather "theatrical". I guess that could be a problem for some viewers. Much of the action took place indoors. There were very few shots of grand castles and beautiful landscapes (which are apparently expected from historical epics). There was a lot of dialogue. Some important events were not shown and were only talked about. The acting was sometimes overly emotional. And some scenes didn't appear to be very realistic. For instance, the wedding party at the beginning, with a crowd of people just hanging around - is this how royal weddings took place? Or the queen going out to streets to have sex with random strangers in the alleys.

This all is what I would call a "theatrical" movie, a movie that resembles a theater play. This is not a bad thing in itself, but the story and characters of such movies have to be very interesting, or otherwise the viewers would lose interest. Still, this movie managed to stay rather engaging to me.
