director's cut

does anyone know if there is a director's cut or something to this movie. another question i have is why Pamela Anderson's character basically let David Keith rape her brains out behind that building?


dont start trying to pick holes in the plot we'll be here for months



The film you have seen is really the director's cut. I in fact edited about half of the movie myself. And there was no Re-Edit by producers or anything like that.

Pam did that scene cause we asked her too. She made noise of it a few years later but at the time she was very cool about it and all for it.

David A. Prior


I think the scene in the alley was very hot. Pam's character was attracted to Keith's character and they just decided to get it on in the alley. Pam obviously got the part because of her body and her willingness to show her tits. Actually she did a good job in the film. Thanks to David A. Prior for the comments above. I would love to see a commentary on the film from David the Director and David the Actor.
