Torch in part 4?

Hey guys,

they've been talking about 7 puppets during the entire movie and pretty close to the end, we see torch, but I can't remember having seen him in the previous movie. Could be I missed something or forgot, but still, I would like to know, am I right and he hasn't been in the previous movie or have I just forgotten about him? Hope you can tell me.


He was not in part 4, and I'm pretty sure there was no explanation as to where he went or why he suddenly returned in part 5.

I don't put movie quotes in my signature.


Torch does not appear in PUPPET MASTER 4. It has never been explained why he is on the cover art, nor is it explained how Torch suddenly shows up in PUPPET MASTER 5, which is a direct sequel.

According to director Jeff Burr, 4 and 5 were originally one movie, with plans for a theatrical release, oddly titled PUPPET MASTER: THE MOVIE. However the film was split, probably during the script stage, most likely because two movies are more profitable than one. However there has been no mention of any deleted material that may hint that Torch was originally involved with the first half of the script, later known as PUPPET MASTER 4.

The cover art for the 4th film may have been designed originally for PUPPET MASTER: THE MOVIE, but don't take my word for it.

Because Torch is a challenging, expensive, and even dangerous prop to work with, he always gets the short end of the stick. And it's unlikely at this point Torch will appear in any future films.


I wondered the same thing. I was worried that Torch was in the 4th movie and I didn't remember it because my memory does fail from time to time. I'm glad this thread cleared it up.

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