

1. Unnamed Girl - Gets decapitated by a scythe, by none other than...your mom.

2. Unnamed Girl - After witnessing above persons death, she runs out of the cemetery, onto the street only to get herself hit in the head by a thrown brick.

3. 50's Teen Boy - Gets ran over by an suv droven by none other than...your sister.

4. 50's Teen Girl - After witnessing the above persons death, she laughs at how random his death was, but gets hit by the same SUV. Who's laughing now bitch!!

5. 50's Teen Boy - After wondering what the hell just happened, he gets decapitated goth style.

6. Nurse - Gets thrown out of a window and lands onto Whitney Houston's Car.

7. Ugly Hunter - He is so ugly that a tree falls over on him.

8. Hunter 2 - Laughs at the above persons death, in fact he laughs so hard that he blows up.

9. Hunter 3 - Chases bigfoot, only to find himself decapitated while running. However, his body is still running after bigfoot! YOU GO MAN!!!

10. Hunter 4 - Gets shot by Hunter 5. I guess that's what you get for having long hair and a humongous beard.

11. Mute Girl - While walking in the forest, finding her lost imaginary BF, she finds a dead body. But she doesn't scream...she just stands there. She eventually gets impaled in the back. I guess that's why they call her MUTE GIRL.

12. Cory - he tries to reverse the curse him and his friends made by going to the grave, but he gets pushed in the hole and buried alive.

13. Nadine - Tries to buy the book back from a storeowner, but she gets axed in the chest repeatedly.

14. Storeowner - Laughing at how she got killed, pumpkinhead smashed the axe onto her head.

15. Ernest - After stealing the book on how to reverse the curse, pumpkinhead impales a knife into his chest and cuts down vertically.

16. Mayor Bubba - After realizing how stupid his name sounds, he commits suicide by cutting his eyes out.

17. Beth - Returning with her friends near the forest, she gets bashed in the head by a rock. Yet, no one heard her screaming, even though she was 5 feet away

18. Delilah - After finally noticing Beth's dead body, she runs the opposite way of everyone else but trips over and lands in the river and gets stabbed in the back repeatedly.

19. Tommy - While looking for Beth and Delilah, he gets a huge ass vine wrapped around his neck and pulled up in the air by pumpkinbitch.

20. Paul - Right before they start the ritual, an arrow that comes out of nowhere impales into the back of his head, and out of the front. Pumpkinbitch has skillz.

21. Marcie - After screaming for minutes on end after witnessing Paul's death, she sees pumpkinbitch and screams AGAIN. Pumpkinbitch decides to axe her repeatedly in the chest. SHE DESERVED IT.

22. Peter - After running for only 2 seconds, he is already tired and sits down to take a rest, only to impaled in the back by a machete. pumpkinbitch cuts down vertically down his back, and rips it open more to find blood gushing out.

23. Danny - After getting back with the remaining survivors, pumpkinbitch uses the machete to slash all over his back, and finally impales it into the back of his throat.

24. Sean - After the ritual is over, pumpkinbitch took Sean with him to hell. OH SNAPSKES.

Survivors: Jenny


one question:

why do you post all of these stupid death things under all these movies? they make no sense and are rarely funny. The only reason i can think of is that you are high.
