mario ruopposo

so how did he REALLY die in real life?

according to the movie, he was accidentally mistaken to be a communist, which led the guards to beating him to death.
other sources tell me he was accidentally stepped on because of all the people that were there in the ceremony.

but what really happened?


Hi Mavisonfire,
I did a quick google and found nothing. Perhaps the character's death at the demonstration was just a dramatic device to reaffirm the historical context.No matter, I return to this film over and over again. Such a gentle, romantic and lyrical film. It's like a guilty pleasure as no one I know will watch it. I downloaded some Neruda poetry but it's not the same without the spoken word. I'm no intellectual film snob but it could be a 'desert island' film for me. Full of warmth.
If Hollywood remake it I'm sure Neruda(Denzel) will stay and Mario(Clooney)will have five children and discover hidden springs beneath the island. His humble bicycle will become a Harley Davidson.



he was supposed to have heart surgery during the filming of "il postino", but postponed it because massiomo troisi wanted to complete the film.
