Very Interest

This movie is phenomenal for all the wrong reasons.

Ok so the plot is absolutely terrible, but how it was filmed is amazing. This was filmed in 1994, only a few years after the Soviet Union collapsed. Surely it was one of the first Western films to get access to Moscow in such a way. They rented out the entire Red Square for filming! They shot the White House when it was still blackened from gun shots.

I can only think that the actors and production crew just got involved so that they could get a trip to Moscow, during such an historical time.


Filming took place in Fall 1993. It must be the only fictional film to actually feature the damaged Moscow White House.


It was filmed in 93, and there was still warfare going on, it stopped production a few times, and yes it was the first American comedy filmed there.

We can all blame stupid decisions from before this cráp even started shooting till it finished as to why it was such a god awful movie.

They didn't want Hooks, and Marion called Bubba Smith to tell him and he told the casting directors that if Marion's not in it, he refuses to be in it.

Harris was put in at last minute to replace Bubba not in it anymore.

There was plenty of arguments over if it should be a more serious tone than the stupid slap stick off the wall crap that was made instead.

They should have known it wouldn't work when even the guy who played Nick Lassard turned it down.

Before it was released even the director disowned the film!

All the cop extras only showed up because they where offered a free lunch.

Hooks was cast out because they felt she was the weakest character and they needed to save on budget elsewhere when they cast Christopher Lee.

The film didn't even try to be a celebration of 10 years of PA movies. They couldn't even use the traditional fonts for the credits.

The roles given in this film actually hurt the characters reputations. Tackleberry talked too much... Callahan wax just terrible ... Jones was off key... And Mahonys replacement was the worst choice of "who is cheap enough for us to get"... His "can he do this" and backflips off a table had to be the dumbest moment in PA history.
