Old Fashioned

And I mean old fashioned in the best possible way. If Ron Howard lived in the 30's, he'd make a picture like this every year. Absolutely solid, and on the mark. This is the kind of studio work that would stand out, like "It Happened One Night", or "The Front Page" (another newspaper flick!). Movie making today is such a crap shoot, where every movie has to be a blockbuster.
I'm surprised this got made, and overjoyed that is was.


As I noted in another thread, "The Paper" was made in probably the last couple of years such a movie could really be made, because by the mid-90s almost all papers (certainly any major papers in NYC) would be putting news content online, and the whole argument about holding up papers for multiple hours to get late-breaking deadline news in completely changes.

By 1996 or 97, the Sun would have had an Internet web site and Alicia would bring down the hammer hard about not pushing two hours over deadline or replating after 90,000 papers had already printed.

She would say, "Send the paper with the 'GOTCHA' headline, then go ahead and completely rewrite the Internet story for 'POST PRESS BULLETIN: THEY DIDN'T DO IT."


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.




I agree. old fashioned in a good way. An enjoyable movie to watch. Fun. Not a dark-looking movie, either.


It represents a lost time, nowadays we would have tiktok videos of the suspects and even hanging out at the bar after a hard day of newspaper work would be unrealistic as working the beat.
