The ending?

Why did the servant say Niu Bao was 'gone'? And then, he's alive but gets carted off? I mean even if he's unitless wouldn't she be glad to have him around? And if he's alive, why's he content to be taken away after winning? Or are we supposed to understand that she married Mann?



Unitless .... seems like that is about all they had going for their "relationship",
but then again, I did not get this movie at all in any way. One reviewer described
this as a look at an alien culture. Sheesh, sure as heck was, or at least I hope it
was alien. Hierarchical, frozen, humanless and cold seemed to me to be the Chinese
way in this movie. People are just machines, except that their passions leak out
into weird and self-destructive expressions.

I have to say I liked the beginning of this movie, because I thought there was going
to be some hope, some triumph of humanity in it. It just got sadder and more depressing.
The guy could have had the woman as her husband, I thought, but he was too proud, and
the woman would not leave her place. Ugh, and yet perhaps all human societies are
similiar as this and this movie was a good way to show it?

I think I lost it on this movie when the man threw the firework into the courtyard of
the master's compound, or when the women came to him and he rejected her. What the?
Again, I just did not get it.




Yeah, so don't explain it, just name call. If you are such a Chinese expert
tell me what am I missing?

