Is it me, or the DVD designers are trying
to fool the little kids in WALMART, by
thinking "Hey Mom, it's another Harry Potter Movie! Buy It Please "



lol TOTALLY! i didn't even notice before! its uncanny!

Life isn't at all like the cereal


LMFAO ROFL!!!!!!!!!! ha ha it really does look like a blonde Harry Potter!!! Lol can u imagine some kid walking up in Target going "Hey I didn't know Harry Potter dyed his hair. Mom look!" ha ha. lol.

Rest in Peace Mate


I dont think so. After all, this came out long before Harry Potter. From what I remember thats how it looked when it came out on VHS (shock-yes I'm a VHS kid.) when I was a kid. Or something close to that effect.

Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane. -Phillip Dick


I dont think so. After all, this came out long before Harry Potter. From what I remember thats how it looked when it came out on VHS (shock-yes I'm a VHS kid.) when I was a kid. Or something close to that effect.

lol yes I'm a VHS kid too

R.O.D the tv...nuff said


Me too.......90's kid all the way.

Reach for the stars. Impossible means nothing.


yeah, he's like a Harry Potter only without the scar and has neat blonde hair, and is friends with books. Being friends with books is more of a Hermione Granger thing, don't you think?

I'm not a beaver, I'm a bea-, no, I mean I'm not a bear, I'm a MAN!




I think you're crazy for comparing this to Harry Potter.

Slimer! That was my clean uniform!" Winston Real Ghostbusters Episode Lost and foundry


My sister said that whenever she saw Harry Potter she'd think of this movie.

"You're a woman, Harry"


I think you're crazy for comparing this to Harry Potter.

Yeh I know. This movie is way better than any of the Harry Potter movies.


I guess I didn't read the whole topic. But yeah. Harry Potter does look like Richard.

Kelloway: Doyle, get in the car.
Doyle: But I ordered Onion Rings.
Kelloway: Doyle!


I think you're crazy for not being able to see the resemblance. Was the first thing I noticed and is the reason I came to this board. It's not just the glasses. Look at the font the title uses. Almost identical!


Yeah...if that's the DVD cover, it's way different. I still only have the VHS, and the cover's like this:


Whether or not the new design looks like HP is irrelevent though, as far as Pagemaster should be concerned - they came first! A long first too. When did the first HP book even come out? 2000? 2001? If anything, let's point at Harry Potter for looking so much like Richard Tyler And hug J.K. Rowling for being a fan.

Indulge the deviance: http://kamisch42.deviantart.com



Really?? Wow...I don't remember anyone in high school ever reading them at all. It wasn't until after high school that I started seeing the books...co-workers had them, and my younger cousin. 1997? Weird. That would've been my freshman or sophomore year, depending on the month!

Indulge the deviance: http://kamisch42.deviantart.com


It was made bfore


Please, The Pagemaster is totally different.


I remember first seeing the HP book cover and subconsciously knowing it looked familiar. To this day, it hasn't been more apparent.
