Droz/Dr. Cox

Just watched this for the first time in ages, and I kept thinking the similarity between Droz and Dr. Cox on Scrubs. Is it just me?

"I can't be the first person to have difficulty taking you seriously, can I?" - Arvin Sloane



that sounds gross



If you must know (and I'm sure that you do, but I will play along), quip is your way of saying "tip" and the tip you are referencing ain't a gratuity -- it phallic in the most base way. Oh no? Who were you talking about in your post? Whose tip? Just a little (or perhaps large) Cox, as in Dr. And who else are you discussing here? A character named Droz, played by Jeremy Piven, who has his own phallic look, and if you rearrange those letters, you get yet another gross street name for a man's special purpose. Need I continue? Do you need the coup de grace or, here, the coup de gross? What board are you posting all this on? PCU, or, as you assuredly know, Phallus Conquers Uterus. It never ends with some people.




There you go again. Have you ever seen a "doctor" (like they know what they are talking about) dressed in his (I'd say her, but c'mon) scrubs? That's the most phallic looking outfit I've ever seen. Domed top, sleek, slippery, pulsating length. I think even you will admit it.

So let's review, Dr. Cox, in his phallic-errific scrubs is always ready with his tip. But right, I'm the one reading into things. My goodness,man, did you go to a state school? What you are selling is perverse and an abomination before all that is true and holy. Don't dispute it. Think of the children!



So to convince the listening world that you are not phallic focused, you go full Freud? (that Sigismund Schlomo Freud, in case you aren't familiar; he was a doctor of the brain). Dr. Freud is perhaps the most phallic obsessed individual of the 20th century. Indeed, his focus on the phallus is known far and wide (perhaps even in public schools?). Please, just admit that this whole thread has been your attempt to introduce and reinforce the patriarchy's obsession with the male special purpose. I don't know who you are, Crysjumar (if that is your real name), but I can conclude that you are fascinated with the phallus. And that's just gross. Again, please think of the children. They don't need to be exposed (both literally and psychologically) to such horrors.

Have another cigar while you are at it.



I accept your admission that my logic and forthright defense of the good, the just and the true carried the day.
