MovieChat Forums > Only You (1994) Discussion > Stupid and typical, I know, but humor me...

Stupid and typical, I know, but humor me for a second

Okay, so everyone knows that the whole obsession Faith has with soul mates and her wanting to find 'Damon Bradley' is part of the whole main plot of this my question is, do you guys think that soul mates really exist?

Perhaps this comes from insecurities or some type of emotional issue in my present state, but with today's divorce rates, could you blame someone for asking? I mean, I used to be such a heavy believer in romance and true love and such, but lately, I find myself to be apathetic and not believing so much in magic anymore. So, maybe what I'm really looking for is a re-affirmation for a type of faith that is slowly losing its burning embers. I mean, I know it's just a movie and I'm not stupid enough to believe that there is someone out there who was solely created just for me because we are all individuals with each of our own complexities and faults, but isn't it possible for two to still become one - whether it's through some mystified cosmic force or not? Thanks for taking the time to answer this and yeah, in a small way, despite some minor (and major) flaws, this movie did cheer me up a bit.

If you gotta go, go with a smile! - Joker, 1989


Sad to say I have become cynical in my middle age. I think that a few lucky people get to spend their lives with someone who can be considered their perfect match, but the rest of us are stuck with two choices: being alone or settling for someone we can tolerate.
I know that some men must believe in true love, based on the songs they write and movies they make (I recently saw 500 Days of Summer). But I never met any of those men.
I wish soul mates existed, but currently my view is that it's up to us to make ourselves into "soul mates" with the person we choose. It doesn't just naturally happen. Both people have to work to create the kind of relationship they want. Those lucky few I mentioned before just don't have to work as hard.


Oh, WanderingSoul, don't stop believing !! I met my husband the same year as Only You was released, and we are still very much in love. When people see us they think we are dating or married to other people !! I am 53 years old now but still believe in love. We have both had disappointing relationships in the past, but that helps you not make the same mistakes in the present. It's not always rainbows and roses. It takes work, compromise and communication. I think of my husband as my soul mate, but I think we grew into eachother and have the same values, but also we are a bit opposite too -- he's totally extroverted and I'm pretty introverted, so we temper and complement eachother. Try writing down exactly what you want in your ideal mate. That's what I did and he came along and had just about every characteristic I had listed.


Yes, soul mates do exist. They are people with whom you instantly connect without any pretext or having to work at it. You find out very quickly that they like the same things you do, and see the world similarly. Plus, if we're talking romance here, you both feel an instant attraction that you can't explain.


Can only speak from personal experience, and I'd say no.

Generosity, that was my first mistake



we are all brainwashed with stupid songs and the christian love crap, it's evil. the only thing that matter in the world is loyalty and commitment, and they almost don't exist too.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


I'm not too sure about believing in soul mates. But I believe in fate, synchronicity, coincidences, ETC. I tend to believe some things happen for a reason.


I might be entirely wrong but...

I believe in it but its getting harder and harder to find them.

I'll explain - in the past people relied on they're instincts and feelings more and carried less emotional baggage/ had fewer issues. There was more violence and negative people still existed but you could look to a brighter future with someone you love.

These days EVERYONE has issues - either their own or their relatives - that are destined to ruin any relationship they have. You could be with 'the one' but your fear of rejection leads you to distance yourself or not communicate, lack of self-esteem and you cheat etc. So in order to make things work you have to put your own issues to bed and hope/help your partner does/to as well.

Were far more complicated and impatient than we used to be and insecurity is a b#*@h so women are more likely to settle for any man while men need their attractiveness constantly tested.

If we just relax and let things happen you can find your other half. Everyone can.
At least that's what I believe - the modern world makes it too easy for us all to make the same mistakes.


No. Soul mates are for something pretentious people want to believe in. For soul mates to exist means you have to meet a person without changing yourself or adapting to them. All relationship requires work. It means you will have to put up with something. YOU females are not as special as you think. You have to learn to love, through growth and development too. Not just a man chasing you and putting up with your crap all the time. A single woman and a wife are two ENTIRELY different things. lol.


No. Soul mates do not exist.
