MovieChat Forums > Nobody's Fool (1995) Discussion > Are there any similar movies?

Are there any similar movies?

I love this film, too. This is a movie I've been searching for a long time. Now I wonder if there might be some movies that are somehow similar to this one.
Do You have any suggestions? I would be happy to find some more movies like this one.
I think that David Lynch's The Straight Story is a little similar: a very good, nice, slow und clever movie.

P.S. The imdb recommendations list contains Die Hard 2. No comment...


How about "You Can Count On Me"? It's similar in its small-town feel and in that it features a character like Sully in that he has done some self-destructive things and had made some uncoventional choices, but is ultimately likeable and sympathetic. The content is a slightly more R rated, though.


Or "Enchanted April"? Has a similar pace, and a focus on human interaction.

Or "Brassed Off"? The fading town of Schylur Springs and the failing mining town have some key elements in common.



Minor correction: Schuyler Springs is the neighboring town that is doing moderately well; the fading town in Nobody's Fool is North Bath.

Simpsons did it! Simpsons did it!


I consider As Good as it Gets similar in tone. It's a story of three quirky characters trying to communicate successfully and keep relationships together. It has a great, rather dry sence of humor.


the HBO movie "Empire Falls" also featured Paul Newman in a role somewhat similar to this one-- the absent and irresponsible but ultimately lovable dad. Philip Seymour Hoffman was in EF's very similar, except a lot longer and a bit slower.



For some reason "Beautiful Girls" gives me the same vibe. I guess its just the small town thing. Both great movies though.



I definitely agree that Nobody's Fool and the equally fantastic Beautiful Girls have a lot in common, besides just being 2 of my favourite movies. These are the only two movies that I've felt strongly enough about to submit using the 'add a recommendation' part of IMDB.

Today I did so for the THIRD time, over about a five year period. Nothing seems to ever happen. I then came here and noticed that two other people have already noticed the similarities.

I would ask that they or anybody else who thinks these brilliant but under appreciated movies should be recommended to fans of the other also submit a recommendation!


That's it, that's the one. Local Hero. Ordinary People also is a very low key under valued film. Local Hero is more of a character study of America meets rural Scotland, and the underestimations on both sides. Ordinary People is the study of a family that is disintigrating due to a tragedy, but like Nobody's Fool, doesn't have any real "heartwarming" scenes, but in the end is heartwarming.


Local Hero and Nobody's Fool- two great movies. Nice antidotes to big noisy violent blockbusters.

How about "Waking Ned Devine," "Crossing Delancey," Mostly Martha," and "The Englishman Who Went Up A Hill But Came Down A Mountain," "Gregory's Girl," the hard to find "Experience Preferred But Not Essential," and- I'll get booed for this one- "Napolean Dynamite."

All small, character driven, ultimately sweet movies with people essentially being kind to one another.

Talk about fiction, eh?


......Add to that Forsyth's follow up, "Comfort & Joy", about
the ice cream wars in Edinburgh in the 1980's. To find something
"really" close to "NF", you may have to go back to Preston Sturges,
only slowed down some.


Yes. Local Hero and Nobody's Fool, very much the same kind of movie. It's not always about sex.


Of course it is! Richard Russo wrote both of them...


Wrong. Local Hero was written by Bill Forsyth, who also directed it.


That was a response to the person who mentioned Empire Falls, not Local Hero.

Of course, six years ago you could tell that as nesting wasn't split so heavily by default...


Both 'Empire Falls' and 'Nobody's Fool' based on books by Richard Russo. Well worth reading.


I would also recommend "Empire Falls". They are both based upon books by the same author Richard Russo. The books are fantastic reads and I highly recommend them.


"About Schmidt" is in the same arena.


Agreed. For some reason "About Schmidt" popped into my mind while browsing these threads. The fact that you thought the same gives it a little merit.

I've only seen "Schmidt" a couple of times and a while back, at that; but I viscerally recall that the tone and flavor is similar to "Nobody's Fool". Quirky, off-beat, moderately paced and heart-warming. Does that sound about right?

In any case, I would definately recommend it, along with Nobody's Fool, which, in case my member name isn't a dead give-away, is one of my absolute favorites ;~)


If you haven't caught it already, Wonder Boys with Michael Douglas is very similar to Nobody's Fool.


Somewhere on the tip of my tongue is a very similar movie, but I will hafta post it later, I guess.
Two small movies that come to mind are Tree's Lounge directed by and starring Steve Buscemi and Jacknife starring Robert De Niro (which was filmed in my old hometown in Connecticut.)

Also, Jason Robards played a slightly similar character in Parenthood, although it was an ensemble movie and his character did not dominate.

And if you are looking for a slow paced, charcter study of a movie about redemption, etc, we cannot forget about Tender Mercies.


Some great suggestions already, but I wanted to add The Station Agent.



My girlfriend and I like to find "little" movies (By that I mean movies that move you with great stories and acting that are not very well known when they are released )Nobody's Fool and Beautifull Girls are two that have unexpectedly blown us away. I would like to add "Smoke" to this list. Everyone should try smoke at least once... By the way if and Hollywood insiders read this forum, How come Paul Newman has never won an acting oscar???


dtmjm2 - Paul Newman won Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role for The Color of Money (1986)
