Mother's Eulogy

Does anyone have the words for the eulogy that mother gave?



The men we honor tonight fought bravely, they sacrificed their lives for us. And though they have surrendered all that remain for them to give, we must not pity them. Their pain is gone. And now at last their souls are free. And when we reach for the fruits of their labour and find that gone, that's when we'll miss them.

i think it was Father, not Mother..



I'm amazed that people don't watch flicks with the subtitles on... turn em on and become addicted like the rest of us!


Me too dude. I'm totally hooked on subtitles. I've never enjoyed or understood movies this great. It helps you not to miss anything at all.



So true Vivid vibe.... I get so annoyed when you rent out a classic old school movie and it doesn't have it..... what a buzz kill!
