MovieChat Forums > No Escape (1994) Discussion > The truth of the island

The truth of the island

Righty-ho then. Robbins escapes the island determined to tell the authorities all about the naughty savagery that's going on there, but why would they care?

The government has outsourced their prisoners to this private penal company precisely because they want to wash their hands of them. I doubt very much they'd be concerned with how humanely they were being treated. After all these are the same people who killed thousands of innocents and then covered it up during the conflict Robbins took part in at the beginning of the film.

I found it quite difficult engaging and staying focused throughout this low budget, low quality offering so I may well have missed some vital plot element here. If so please point it out.


I don't think Robbins wanted to tell the authorities about the slaughter of the innocents again as they already ignored his story after he shot his commander. More likely he would go to the press or at least make it general knowledge to the public.

Whether the public would be as interested in a load of (I assume) lifer convicts killing each other on a remote island is another matter. I suppose the warden was keeping all the public funding meant for the normal prison for himself and his soldiers? Maybe that would be reason enough to blow the lid on it.


I think he probably gave the journal to one of the other guys and hauled ass. He had a few passengers with him when he left.

"......." ---Michael Myers, Halloween II (1981)

