The rocket launcher?

Maybe i missed this bit, but where exactlty did the rocket launhcer at the end come from? Was it made by the guy who built the ship? was is supposed to be what was left of the weapon ray liotta stole?

Also what happened to that gun? Father said he came away with a really powerful weapon, why didn't they use it? it didn't look like a rocket laucnher at the start?


lol you just watched it too? He stole it from merrick, who was given it by the warden to maintain control over the outsiders.


Why would the warden give a rocket launcher to Merrick? After all he was so afraid of fire and explosions.


It wouldnt cause a big enouth explosion to show up on radar.

reply did cause a big enough explosion to show up on radar.

"Please, feel free, explore. We have an eternity to know your flesh." ---Pinhead, Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)



there was a ton of explosives. That's how the satillite picked up the heat signal.

ya smug a-hole.

what a tool.
