
Does anyone know what type of helicopter they used in this film?

It looks kind of like a Super Puma, but the dual main rotors are like nothing
I've ever seen before.

It looks like they used a Super Puma, and then added the dual rotors from
an RC helicopter. I'm having serious doubts these were real helicopters.
But I could be wrong.


I'm pretty sure the helicoper is a Kamov Ka-32A-12.

Check the lnk for a photo:



Don't remember the exact model but it's Russian and produced by Kamov,

It's either the the Helix or Hormone.




Oh boy....three Kamov helicopters that look alike.

Well, I think we can establish that it's at least a Kamov! :-)

Thanks, fellas.


Not sure what it is but it is Russian and the scene where they go to escape from the cave and the helicoptor comes over the ocean was filmed at Caves Beach NSW Australia (http://www.flickr.com/photos/silvermoon/2116970557/sizes/l/) which is 5 minutes from me. I have an airport behind me and as a young fella i remember this helicopter taking off every morning before school.

It would wind up for 20 minutes, then woosh woosh woosh you would hear them blades cutting the air.

It wasn't till my late 20's I realised the film I was watching was this one including this helicopter, the minute scene shot for 2 weeks. They built an extra cave sister out of fibreglass.
